Row 4: Oi 4. (dc, ch 1. dc, ch 1) In each ch sp a cross, dc in last st do not tara. Fasten off.
Row S: Fol wlng, skip first 3 ch sps; |on with sl st m ne*t ch sp, (ch 4. dc) In urnę ch sp as sl st. (dę, ch 1, dc) in each oi mwt 4 ch sps lejying rcmainlng ch sps unworked (lor <mng), tum.
Rows 6-7: Ch 3, (dc. ch 1. dc) In each ch jp across, dc in tet st, Uan,
Row 8: Ch 3, (2 de, ch 1, 7 dc) In each ch sp across. dc in last st. Fasten off.
Place one bcad on each segutn pin, pin Angcl to bali with five pint evenly tpaced across bottom eckje, one in tp of each wing and stx across top o> hoad as shown in photo.
T»c mctallic strand in a Dow and gluc botow head as shown. JJ
2V." > 3'/>ł without hang er.
J 50 yds Cold/Cold "90G MctaflK Knit-Cro-Shcefi* Art. A64M by J. a P. Coats* or siic 10 crochet cotton thread
□ 6" gold W' ribbon by Offray
J Fabnc stiffener
□ CrJ\ cjltio
J No 5 stee< hook or hook need-ed to obtarn gauge
Rndsl 2 «!’/»• across.
Ch. U st. sc. dc
Rnd 1: Ch 8. sl st >n first ch to form ring, ch I, (sc In ring, ch 3) 8 limes, jośn with sl st n first sc (8 ch jpi modę)
Rnd 2: (51 st, Ch 1, sc) in tasl ch sp, (4 dc. ch 2. 4 dc) m nc*t ch sp.
*k In next ch sp. (4 dc, ch 2. 4 dc) ki not ch sp; rcpcat trom • aroun d, jotn.
Rnd 3: Ch 2. (S dc. ch 3.5dc)in nc«t ch *p, *ch 2. stóp nem 4 sb, sl U <i next sc. ch 2, (5 dc, ch 3,5 dc) in not ch sp, rcpcat (rom * around. joln with dc in jołnlng sJ \l of Ust rnd, tum.
Row 4: Woriong in rows. ch 3. (5 dc, ch 3,5 dc) h nrwtch sp, dc n next ch sp leaving remmrung sb and ch sps uriworked. tum. ’ Rows S-6: Ch 3, (5 dc. ch 3, 5 dc) In ne*t ch sp, dc m nexl ch sp. tum At end ot last row, fasten o»l Stiffon according to General Information on page 3.
Ciur ends of nbbon to top back for hanger _U
rmuuD sul
4W • 6W wsthout hanger MATI KI AIS:
J 55 yds. White *1 Knll-Cro-Sheen* Art. A64 Dy |. & P. Coats* or siec 10 crochet col-ton thread
J 28 yds. Coto/Gołd #90G Metalik KnK-Cro-Shcen" Art A64M by |. & P. Coats" or si/e 10 crochet cotton thread
□ 6’ white W ribbon by Offray J Gold ribbon rosę by Offray
□ Fabrlc Stftener J Craft glue
□ No. 1 Steel hook or hook need-ed to obtain gauge
Ch, st st. K, hdc, dc.