Rowt i-ii: Ch 3, dc in each st <ktom wilh (dc, ch 2. dc) In udi ch sp, tum Al end ol lu-.t row, fasten off.
Row 34: Jołn goM wilh sc m fintst. (ch 3, skip ncxt st. sc in nexl st) across wilh (sc. ch 3, sc) in each <h sp, tum.
Row 35: (SI st, ch 5, dc) <n first ch sp, (dc, ch 2, dc) in each ch sp across, tum.
Row 36: (SI st, ch 1, sc) tn fiut ch sp, *(ch 1, dc) 5 time\ in next ch sp, ch I, k in next r.h sp; repeat łrom * across, tum
Row 37: Ch 1, sc in first ch sp, (di 3. sc in ncsrt ch sp) across. fasten od.
Top Tdglng
Row 1: Working in starting ch on opposite udo ol row 1. ;oin gold with d st in (Wvt sł, (ch 3. skip ncxt st, sc in next st) across to łasi st, skip tast st, tum.
Row 2: (SI U. ch 5, dc) as first ch sp. (dc. ds 2, dc) h each ch sp across, tum.
Row 3: (SI st, cis 1. sc) In lirst ch sp, *(ch 1, dc) 5 times in next ch sp, ds I, sc in next ch sp; repeat from * ocross, tum.
Row 4: Os 1, x in first ch sp, (ch 3, sc tn nett ch sp) across. fasten otf
ANCU. APPUQUE (make 9)
W!th gołd yarn arsd G hook, wocfc same as Gold Anye* Appllquś Ornament on pages 14 and 15.
1: Sew one Angel Appliąuć to each section ,ss shown in photo,
2: Sew five Vckro fasteners cvcnly spaced across ersds of rows for back opening.
3: Sew last Arigd lo hall sectlom according to illustratlon JQ