WINC (make 2)
Row 1: gold. ch 4. sl st in
fint ch to form ring. ch 3, 6 dc in ring. tum (7 dc modę) Row 2: Ch 4, dc in next st (ch
1. dc in ncxt st) •cross, tum Row 3: Ch 5. dc in next st. (ch
2, dc in next st) across, tum. Row 4: Ch 4, ck m n«t ch sp,
chl,dcinnextit.(ch l.dcin rwxl ch sp. ch I. dc in no1t sl) across. tum.
Row 5: Ch 1, sc in fint st (ch 3, sc in ncxt st) •cross, lasten off. 5t flois Wngs sccording to General tnfocmaticn on page 3.
Glue row 1 oł each Wing to center oaclc ot bodtcc.
Rnd 1: WHh white, ch 4. sJ«in firn ch to form ring, ch 3, 14 dc in ring. (oin wśth sl st in top of ch-3, Uirn. Fasren ott.
Rnd 2; Join gold with sc in fiest st, ch 3, skp nejrt st (sc in noct st. ch 3, n1xl st) around, |om. Fas-tenoff
Glue edge of Halo to top back of doli pin.
Gkrc onds of ribbon to batk of Halo forming a loop for hanger LLJ
4V Ul without hanger.
U 40 yds. White e\ Krtn-Cro-Sheen" Art. A64 by |. 6t P. Coats« or swe 10 crochc1 cot-ton thread
□ 30 yds. Gold/Gold 490G Metn81C Knit-CroSlieen1 Art. A64M by J. ic P. Coats1 or sde 10 crochet cotton Usrcad
J 31 gcld %’ ribbon by OWray
a GoW ribbon row by Oflrjy
J V » 3V.1 wooden doli pin with stand 010198 by Darlce1
J White chenille slem
□ Fabric sttffcncr
□ Cndl gluv
J Tapestry needlc
J No. 7 Steel hook or hook need ed to obtain gauge
8 dc = 14 dc rows = 1'.
Ot, sl »t sc. dc
Rnd 1: Start mg jt bodlee, with white. ch 15. sl st in first ch to form nng, ch 1, sc m each ch around, fOtn with sl st in first sc. (iS\emadt)
Rnds 2-9: Ch I, sc in each st around, Join
Rnd 10: (Ch 3, dc) in first st 2 dc n coch st around. |oin wtm sl st «s top of ch-3. (JO)
Rnd 11: Wortcing in back l|
(iee StttcT) Guide), (ch 3, dc) ks fint st. dc In next st (2 dc in n1xl st, dc in next st) around, (oin. (45)
Rnd 12: Ch 3, dc in cach st around, join.
Rnd 13: WAsrtang in back tps.
ch 3, dc in each st around,
Rnd 14: Ch 3, dc in each st around. Join.
Rnds 15-18: Rcpcat mds 13 and 14 altcmateły. At rnd of last md, lasten off.
Rnd 19: Join gold with sc m first st ch 3. skip next st. (sc In next st ch 3. skip ne1t st) around. join with sl st in first >c. Fas ten off.
For first Ruffle, working in nemalnlng Ips of md 10, (oin gdd wśth sc in fint st. ch 3. sk>p next st (sc in next st. ch 3, skip nexl st) around. join wśth sł st in fsrst sc. Fastcn otf.