Angel Xmas Tree

Angel Xmas Tree

as lint dc and ch ipJL (eh 2, skip next 2 chi, dc m ne« ch> ocrow. tum. (21 chips madę)

Row 2; Ch 7. vc In first ch ip. (ch 5. scIn next cli sp) across to tost st. ch 4, dc tn last st tum. frant a! roiv 2 a righi side at work Rows V7: Ch 8; pkot (see Speóat iJitch on page 9) in ttm ch sp, (ch 5, pico* tt next ch tp) .itrost to tost sl, ch 4. dc in tost ch, tum. Row 8: Ch 5, sc in fint ch Sp, (ch 5, ic In next ch sp) acro« to last ch >p, ch 2. dc in tost ch sp, tum Row 5h Ch I, vt n lira ch sp. *ch I, (dc. di 1) 7 timm in ne>l ch sp, sc in ncxt ch sp; repeat from * across, do not tum. fasten off. Row 10: loki goM wśth sc in fint ch sp, (ch 3, sc In next ch ip) 7 trnes, "sc in ncwt ch ip, (ch 3, sc in ncxt ch \p) 7 times; repeat from * acrois. Fasten off,

Wcav« ęold risbon throogh ch sps on row 1. Place Coitor on Head, ue cnds of ribbon in bow at front Shape bow and ends of ribbon as ihown in pboto

WWC5 fint Side

Row 1: \Młh gołd, ch 4, (2 dc. cn 3, 3 dc) In fourth ch from hook, tum (6 dc modę)

Row 2: Ch 3; to» shełl, (3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in ch- 3 sp; ch 3, sc m top of Ch-4, tum. (I shtH)

Row 3: (SI il, ch 3, 2 dc. ch 3, 3 dc) m fint ch sp, (ch 2, skip next 3 sts, łhell in nett ch \p) 2 limes, tum. (3 stiefo)

Row 4: Ch 3, shdl In ch sp of first shdl. ch 3, skip rwxt ch-2 ip. 11 dc in ch sp of ncxt shefi. ch 3, stop nett ch-2 sp, sheł In ch sp of tost sheli, tum. (2 iMK 11 dc)

Row S: Ch 3. shdl in fint sfłdl ch

4,    skip next dv 3 sp, (tr In next dc, ch 1) 10 limes, tr In n«l dc. ch 4. stop rvxi ch-3 sp, shdl in lastshcl, tum. (21Mii. 11 ft)

Row 6: Ch 3, shdl in fint ihdl ch

5,    stop next ch-4 sp, (sc in nett ch-1 ip, ch 3) 9 limes, sc in next ch-1 sp. ch 5, iklp nexl ch-4 sp. sheł in last ihdl, tum. (2 sheis, 9 ch-3 sps)

Row 7: Ch 3, shdl m first Shell, ch

6,    stop next ch-5 >p. (vc. ch 3) In eacbch-3 sp across to last ch-3 sp, ic in Insi ch-3 sp, ch 6, skip nexl ch-5 sp, shdl in last Shell, turn. (2 sMh, 8 ch-3 sps)

Row* 8-13: Ch 3, Shell in fint shdl, ch 6, skip ncxl ch-ó sp. (sc, ch 3) in oach ch-3 sp across to last ch-3 sp, x in tost ch-3 sp, ch 6, skip ncxt ch-ó sp, shell In last shdl. turn. At end ot last

row (2 ihelti, 2 ch-3 sps).

Row 14: Ch 4, shdl In fint shdl, ch 6, skip next ch-6 sp. sc in ncxt ch-3 sp, ch 3, sc in ncxt ch-3 sp, ch 6, skip next ch-6 sp, shdl in last shdl, turn. (2 sMK

1    ch-3 sp)

Row 1S: Ch 3, shell In fint shdl <h 6, stop next ch-ó sp. sc in next ch-3 sp. ch 6, stop neto cfvó sp. shdl in last shell, tum (2 shets)

Row 16: Ch 3, shdl in tirst shdl, sk-p nett 2 ch ó sps and nexl sc, shell in łasi shell, tum

Row 17: Os 3, sc in ch sp of fint shell, x in ch sp of tost shoH. f ja-tenófT.

i«ond Side

Row 1: Join gold wflh sJ st in ch at botlorn of row 1 on First 5lde, (ch 3, 2 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) as same ch, lian. (6 dc modę)

Rows 2-17: Repeat raws 2-17 ot First Sdc on Wlngs.

Stitfen Wlngs accorćkng to General Information on page 3.

Gtue row t of Wingt to center back of Collar.


Rnd 1: SWih wfsJe. ch 4. sJ st irs rirst ch lo form ring, ch 4. (dc in ring, ch 1) 11 limes. |oin with sl St In third ch of ch-<

Rnd 2: Ch 4, <dc in ncxt st, ch 1) around, join svith sl sl In tfsird ch of ch-4.

Rnd 3: (Ch 4, dc) In first st, ch 1. *(dc. ch 1. dc) In nett st, ch 2; repeat from * around, join.

Rnd 4: Ch 5, (dc in next st, ch 2) around. join with sl st In third ch of ch-$. Fasten off

Rnd S: Join gold wlth sc In any ch-

2    sp, ch 3, (sc in rsoxt ch-2 sp. ch 3) around, join wsth sl st in first sc. fasten off

Clue Halo to back of bead.

Gluc ends of włttc nbbon to back of haad tc» fianger. _u



Podobne podstrony:
Angel Xmas Tree Row 4: Oi 4. (dc, ch 1. dc, ch 1) In each ch sp a cross, dc in last st do not
Angel Xmas Tree CHO Si Rnd 1: Wfth wtiile, th 6, sl sl o fint ch lo form ring. di 3,2 dc *s nng,&nb
Angel Xmas Tree Rod* 9-16: Rrpeat mdi 7 and 8 altemately. Rnd 17: Ch I, (sc, ch 1, hdc, ch t. hdc,
Angel Xmas Tree sc) in ncxt ch sp; ch 1, sc in next U*; rcpeat bclwccn firsl and second * 10 morę l
Angel Xmas Tree Rowt i-ii: Ch 3, dc in each st <ktom wilh (dc, ch 2. dc) In udi ch sp, tum
Angel Xmas Tree WINC (make 2) Row 1:    gold. ch 4. sl st in fint ch to form ring. c
Angel Xmas Tree Row 11: Oi 3. *l>ell in fint shell, (ch I, ihdi in ncxi sheł) across, tum, Row 1
Angel Xmas Tree For next Ruffle, working in remałnlng Ipt ot md 12. toin gold with >c in fi
Angel Xmas Tree next st. ch 3) around. join wlth il U ki firsl sc. (i! ch sp modę) Knd£Ch

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