Rod* 9-16: Rrpeat mdi 7 and 8 altemately.
Rnd 17: Ch I, (sc, ch 1, hdc, ch t. hdc, ch 1, »c) in each ch sp around, )otn with sl st in fint sc. Faiten ofi.
Glue row 1 oł Dnn to neck on head Scw back opemng ckłsed.
WINC (make 2)
Row 1: With gold. ch 4, 4 dc in fourth ch from hook. tum (5 dc madę)
Row Ł (Ch 3. dc) m 1im st, 2 dc ta each « across, turn. (10)
Rowi S-S: (Ch 3. dc) In hm U. dc in each it across to last «, 2 dc in lastit, twn. (fi, \4, 16)
Row 6: Ch 4, (de, ch 1) in each s* across to last st. dc In last u. tum
Row 7: Ch I, ic m lim$t (picot m r>ext ch ip, ic in next st) across, tum.
Row *: Skppmg picotb rrpcal row
Row 9: Repeal row 7 fasłen off
StilTon Winę', accorcłng to General Information on page 3.
Cluerowl ołWmgs to center back of tłresv
NOTĘ: Work m continuous mds do not jofn or tum unfess orhrrwit* ifofed Mart fint st of cach md.
Rnd liWfthwtMe.chS.Uitmfint ch to form ring, ch 1, k In each ch around. (81C modę)
Rndi 2-29: Sc in each st around. At end of Wsi rnd, jołn wih sl u in fint sc.
Rnd 30: Ch 1, ic In nnł«, (ch 2. k « nort it) around, ch 2, |oin. Fas-len olł
Rnd 31: Wo*«nq in itarltng ch on opposltr i ido of md 1, jon whitr w4h sc in fintch, ch 2, (sc in ne»i ch, ch 2) around, (ofn. Faiten off.
Glue hands In endi ol Arnu
Insert Arrm through sleew open-ings on Dwu. Gkie m płace. Glue dove in hands as shown in phoCo.
Wołking around ring (see klusfra-tions), join whlte with sc, sc around until ring U compietely ccwered, join with si U in firsł sc. fastenoff.
Glue Halo to back of hoad Glue cnch oł nbbon to back oL head
for hangar. JU
Sc around linę;
7V tali wsthout hangor.
U 125 yds. Whilc #1 Kntt-Oo-Shesn“ Art A64 by J. H P. Coitl* or sire 10 crochet cot-tonthread
U 75 ych. GoktfCołd «90C McW-kc KnitCm-Shwn- Art. A64M by |. fc P. Coats* or slce 10 crochet catton thread
J 8' włiitc V nbbon by Ottray
J lorge gold nbbon rosę by Oflray
J 1*piMtk ring
J 2/:' Angel head with hands 41224-21 by Darie*-□ Fabric stiffenrr J Craft glue 3 Tapestry needle JNo 7 steeł hook or hook nccd-ed to obtain gauge
8 dc - V; 4 dc rows 1*.
Raw 1: Wth whlte, ch 21, dc in Irjurth ch tram fwok. 2 dc in cach ch aaoss. turn. (36 dc modę) Rows 2-3: Ch 4 (caunts as fint dc andch-1). dc in next st, (ch 1. dc In next st) a cross, tum Rnd 4: WbrMng in mds. ch 1. sc in hm st. (sc In next ch sp, sc in next st) 3 limes; *for pkot. (sc. ch 2,