9Vs* Uli włhout hanger.
J 250 yds. Cold/Cold #90C Metali* Knit-C/o-Sheenr* Art A64M by l H 9 Coals* or we 10 crochet c Otton thread J ISO yds. Whrte *1 Knit-Cro-$h«>cn« Aft A64 by | h P Coats* or ii* e 10 crochet cot-lOfl Ihrrjd
□ 14' <jc*d V wire^dged rłbbon by Oflray
U 1 //-dumetcr Styrotoam* bali
□ 6' sguare tardboard J 2‘ ptutic mg
□ Craft ijkw1
J Tapestry needłr
□ No. 0 Steel hook or hook nced-ed to obUin gouge
5 sts * V. 5 sc rows • 1 2 sheil
NOTt: Work in contmwoui mdv do not jain or tum unksi ottierwae Uated. Mori firsf ił of eoch md Rnd 1: Wlth two strands whltc thmid hołd together as ono, ch 2. 8 K in second ch Imm hook. (B sc modę)
Rnd 2:2 ic « each st around. (16) Rnd 3: Sc In each U amund.
Rnd 4: (Sc In ncxt st 2 sc in next st) around. (24)
Rnds 5-12: Sc in ts»ch st around At pnd ol Ust md, join with d St in IłfStSC.
Rnd 13: Ch 2. dc in wach st around, totn wlth sl st m top ol ch-2.
Rnd 14: Sc. in fint st for plcot. ch 3, sl st tn front Ip and left
bar ol sc just mado (ser iHutfro-Won on page 9); ch 5, skip next st sc In next st; repoat from * around to last st sbp last st ch
1, |om with dc ki fint sc (foining ch sp modę),
Rnd 15: (Sc ch 2. dc. ch 1,2 dc) in tołimg ch sp (Tn) shtfi modę), ch 1. for .heli, (2 dc ch 1.2 dc) in ncxt Ch sp; ch 1; rcpcat Irom * around, join wlth sl st in top of ch-2.
Rnd 16: Sl st in next dc (sc ch 2, dc ch 1,2 dc) in nexl ch-1 sp. ch
2, (shell in noxt Shell, ch 2) around. join.
Rnd 17: Sl st in next dc (sc ch 2, dc <h 1,2 dc) ki next ch-1 sp, ch
3, (shell In nrxl shell, ch 3) around. |oin.
Rnd 18: Sl st in next dc (sc. ch 2, dc ch 1, 2 dc) in next ch-1 sp, ch 1, (dc, ch 1. dc) in center ch of next ch-3 sp, ch 1, 'shell m next shcl, ch 1, (dc ch 1, dc) in center ch of nexl ch-3 sp, ch 1; repeat łrom • around, join.
Rnd 19: Sl st in nrxt dc, sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 3, (dc ch 1) 5 times h same ch-1 sp as sc. *sfclp n<>xt ch-I sp, sc m next ch-1 sp, ch 1, siup next ch-1 sp, (dc ch i) 6 limes in noxt shcłl; rcpcat from * around to last 3 ch-1 sps, skip next ch-1 sp, sc in n*xt ch-1 sp, ch 1. skip last ch-1 sp, join w»th sl st in sec-ond ch ot ch-3 Fasten oh.
Rnd 20: join Iwo strands ol gold thread licld together with sc In nrst ch-1 sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch-
1 sp) 4 times, sc In next 2 ch-1 sps, 'sc m next ch-1 sp, (ch ), sc in next ch-1 sp) 4 times. sc m next
2 ch-1 sps, repeat Irom * around. join with sl st in lim sc Fasten crft
Rnd 1: With two strands qold thread hełd together as one ch 4, sl st in first ch lo torm ring, ch 3, 19 dc es nng, jon with sl st In top ol ch-3. (20 dc macie)
Rnd 2: Working in back Ips (nr SUłeb Cinde), ch 3, dc in next 3 sta, 2 dc In next st. (dc In next 4 sts, 2 dc in noxt st) around. |oln. (24)
Rnd 3: Working m back Ipy r.h 3, dc n ncxt 4 sts. 2 dc in next st. (dc in next S sts, 2 dc in next st) around, |oin. (28)
Rnd 4: Worklng in back Ips, tor first layer of curls (work chi łoosely to the toops will twist on ttiemuhts), («, ch 12 sc, ch 12) In each st aromd join with sl«in lim sc
Rnd S: Wcring in rcmainlng Ips
Ol md 2, lor nrul layer of ruHs.
ch 2. k in łint st, ch 12. (sc in next st, ch 12) around. join.
Rnd 6t Workng in remainlng Ips ot md 1. tor rsext layer of curfs
ch 2, sc in llrst st, ch 12, (sc łn next sl. ch 12) around, join, Fasten oh.
Wrtth rwo strands włue thrrud hrW together as one, ch 30. Fasten ott.
Rnd 1: Working around 2* ring, lioklaig two strands white togrlfi-er as one, join with sc arccnd ring