Wrappng yjm 100 Urna araurd 4* Cflfdtooard, worV uirrn* *s TMieł of largo Tassel Angol on pagc 12.
Ustng 1 • nng. wart urno as Halo ol Larcje Tassel Angel on pages 11
Ułlntj I’bal, wortcrtcpj 1-6cfFirv dhing on Large Tassel Angel on page 12. -U
5* Uli without hanger.
-ł 10Oyds. Whrto *1 Knll-Oo Shecn* Art A64 by |. & P. Coats* or slze 10 trochę! cottonthrcad
-I 25 yds Cold/Cold *90G Metalik Knit-Cro-Sheen* Art. A64M by |. k P Coats" or slze 10 crochet cotton thread
J 14’ gold wire-edge V rib-bon by OFfray J 2 wbite 4* tirdes ol netting
□ Smali amount potpourri -1 Polyester ftbedll
□ IMłlle sewing thread -J Sewsng needte
□ Craft gluc*
U No- 7 Steel hocfc
Ch. sl st, sc dc
For double crochet clutter (dc
d), *yo, insert hook m a or sp. yo, puli Ip through, yo, puli through 2 Ips on hook; worldng In same st or sp, repeat from * for number of dc callcd lor In patiem, yo and puli through afl Ips on hooŁ
Rnd 1: Starting at Head. wlth wbite, ch 4. sl st in łirst ch to form ring, ch 3, 11 dc In ring. join withslst intopofch-3. (12 dc madę)
Rnd 2: (Ch 3, dc) in tirst st, 2 dc in each st around, join. (24)
Rnd 3: Ch 3, dc in each st around, join,
Rnd 4: Ch 3, dc nrxi 2 sts log. (dr in ncxt st. dc next 2 sts tog) around. join Stuli Hcjd w.th fibedill. (16)
Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join w<th sl st In (irsl sc.
Rnd 6: (Ch 3, dc) in first st, 2 don each st around, join. ()2)
Rnd 7: Worklng in bach Ips \<x> StMr Gunie), ch 4, (dc in next st, ch 1) around. |om with sl st m third ch of ch-4. (S2 ch sps) Rnds ft-10: 51 stin firn rh sp, eh 4, (dc n next ch sp, ch 1) around. jom
Rnd 11: Ch 1. sc in fint c h sp, ch 3. (sc łn next ch sp. ch 3) around, join with sl st In first sc Rnd 12: Sl st in hrst ch sp, ch 3, 2 dc cl (tee Speclal Stach) in same ch sp as sl st, ch 4, sc in next ch sp, (ch 4. 3-dc d In nexl
ch sp, ch 4, sc in next ch sp) around, ch 1, join with dc in top of trnt ch-3 doming ch sp madę), (16 ch)
Rnd 13: Sc in joining ch sp. ch 4, (sc m next ch sp. ch 4) around, join with sl s» in first sc.
Rnd 14: (Sl st, ch I, sc) tn łirst ch
£ch 4, 3-dc d in nrxt ch sp, 4. (sc in next ch sp, ch 4,3-dc d in next ch >p, ch 4) amund. ch 1, join with dc in d hrst sc (jo/nmg ch sp).
Rnd 15: Ch 1, sc In jolnłng ch sp, (ch 5. SC in next ch sp) around, ch 2, join with dc in lirst sc
Rnd 16: Ch 1, ic in joining ch sp, ch 4, 3-dc cl m next ch sp, di 4, (sc In next ch sp, ch 4. 3-dc d In ncxt ch sp. ch 4) around, join with sl st in first sc.
Rnd 17: Chl.sc-n first st, (ch 5. sc in ncut u) around, ch 2, join with dc in łirst sc
Rnd 18: Ch 1, sc in joining ch sp, (ch 5, sc in netteh sp) around, ch 2, join with dc in first sc.
Rnd 19: Ch 1, sc in jommg ch sp; lor picot, ch 4, sl st in top of Ust st madę; ch 5, 3-dc cl in next ch sp, picot, ch 5, (sc in ncxt ch sp, picot, ch 5, 3^dc d in next ch sp, picot, ch 5) around, join with sl st in lirst sc Fastcn oft
Rnd 1: \Msdiinq if> remalnłng Ips
of md 6 on Head £c Dress, join wliile with sc in fint st, ch 3, (sc in
uinuArF. Awafi chiustmas thłł 13