Rnd 3: Slip st in first ch-5 sp, ch 5 (counts as first tr plus ch 1), [tr. (ch 1. tr) 6 times] in same sp. ★ + ch 2, skip next ch-3 sp. sc in next ch-5 sp, ch 3, sc in next ch-5 sp, ch 2. skip next ch-3 sp, [tr in next st. (ch 1, tr in same st) 6 times, ch 2, skip next ch-3 sp, sc in next ch-5 sp, ch 3. sc in next ch-5 sp. ch 2. skip next ch-3 sp] across to next corner ch-5 sp f, [tr, (ch 1, tr) 7 times) in corner ch-5 sp.- repeat from ★ 2 times morę, then repeat from f to f once; join with slip st to first tr: 310 sps.

Rnd 4: (Slip st, work Beginning Cluster) in first ch-1 sp, ch 3. [(work Cluster in next ch-1 sp, ch 3) 6 times, skip next ch-2 sp, sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, skip next ch-2 sp] across to next corner tr group, ★ (work Cluster in next ch 1 sp, ch 3) 7 times. skip next ch-2 sp, sc in next ch 3 sp, ch 3, skip next ch-2 sp, [(work Cluster in next ch-1 sp, ch 3) 6 times, skip next ch-2 sp. sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, skip next ch 2 sp] across to next corner Ir group; repeat from ★ 2 times morę; join with slip st to top of Beginning Cluster: 242 ch-3 sps.

Rnd 5: [Slip st, ch 6, sc in fourth ch from hook, dc] in first ch-3 sp, ★ f (work Picot, dc) twice in each of next 5 ch 3 sps, ch 1, skip next ch-3 sp, slip st in next sc, ch 1, skip next ch-3 sp, [(dc, work Picot, dc) in next ch-3 sp. (work Picot, dc) twice in each of next 4 ch-3 sps, ch 1, skip next ch-3 sp, slip st in next sc. ch 1, skip next ch-3 sp] across to next corner 7-Cluster group t, (dc, work Picot. dc) in ncxt ch-3 sp: repeat from * 2 times morę, then repeat from f to f once; join with slip st to third ch of beginning ch-6, finish off.


Shown on page 23.

Finished Size: 33" x 42”


Sport Weight Yarn:

15 ounces, (430 grams, 1,200 yards)

Crochet hook. size G (4.00 mm) or size needed for gauge

GAUGE: In pattern. 17 hdc and 10 rows = 4”

Each row of Afghan Body is worked across length of Afghan.



Ch 3, sc in third ch from hook.


Ch 146 loosely.

Row 1: Sc in second ch from hook. ★ ch 2, skip next 2 chs, sc in next ch; repeat from ★ across:

49 sc and 48 ch-2 sps.

Row 2 (Right side): Ch 4 (counts as first hdc plus ch 2, now and throughout). tum; hdc in next sc, (ch 2. hdc in next sc) across.

Row 3: Ch 1, turn; sc in first hdc, (work Picot, sc in next hdc) across.

Row 4: Ch 5 (counts as first dc plus ch 2),

turn; skip next Picot, dc in next sc, ★ ch 2, skip next Picot, dc in next sc; repeat from ★ across.

Row 5: Ch 1, turn; sc in first dc, (ch 2. sc in next dc) across.

Row 6: Ch 2 (counts as first hdc). turn: (2 hdc in next ch-2 sp, hdc in next sc) across: 145 hdc.

Row 7: Ch 1, turn; sc in first hdc. ★ ch 2, skip next 2 hdc, sc in next hdc; repeat from ★ across:

49 sc.

Row 8: Ch 4, turn: hdc in next sc, (ch 2, hdc in next sc) across.

Repeat Rows 3-8 until Afghan Body measures approximately 25” from beginning ch, ending by working Row 5; do not finish off.


Rnd 1: Ch 1 turn; sc in first sc, 2 sc in next ch-2 sp, 3 sc in each ch-2 sp across to last ch-2 sp,

2 sc in last ch-2 sp, sc in last sc, place marker around sc iust madę for st placement; work 106 sc evenly spaced across end of rows; working in free loops (Fig. 3, page 60) and in sps across beginning ch, sc in ch at base of first sc, place marker around sc iust madę for st placement. 2 sc in next sp, 3 sc in each sp across to last sp, 2 sc in last sp, sc in last ch, place marker around sc just madę for st placement; work 106 sc evenly spaced across end of rows; join with slip st to first sc. do not finish off: 500 sc.

Continued on page 16.



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