3 Doggies 8

3 Doggies 8

and 2 pieces wilh white.) Ch 3, tuni. Row 1: Starting in secortd ch frum hook, work 1 sc in each of next 2 ch.

Ch 1, tum. Row 2: Work in sc, ine 1 sl at beg and end of row — 4 sc. Ch 1. tum. Rnws 3, 4 and 5: Work 1 tśc in each sc across. Ch 1. tum. Row 6: Work as for Row 2—6 sc. Ch l, tum. Row 7: Work as for Row 3.

Row 8: Work as for Row 2 - 8 sc. Row 9: Work as for Row 3. Row 10: Work as for Row 2 — 10 sc Rowu 11 nnd 12: Work as for Row 3. Work 1 md sc around outside edge of car, join with sl st to first st. Fasten off. Place one W hi te and one brown ear piece to-gether. With brown yam and brown piece facing, join 2 pieces by working 1 md sc around entire outside edge thmugh both thicknesses, join with sl st to firsl st. l''aaten off.

TAIŁ: With brown, ch 10, join with sl st to first ch Rud 1: Ch l, work 1 sc in each ch around. join with sl st to first st — 10 sc. Rnd 2: Ch 1. work 1 sc in each st anmnd, join with sl st Oj first st Rnd 3: Ch 1, (work 2 sc tog) 5 limes, join with sl st to first st — 5 sc. Rnd 4: Ch 1, (work 2 sc tog) 2 limes,

1 sc in next sc, join with s! st to first st — 3 sc. Rnd 5: Ch 1, work 2 sc tog,

1 sc in next sc, join with sl st tu first st — 2 sc. Rnd 6: Work 2 sc tog. Fasten off.

EYE PATCHES: (Make 2.) With white. ch 2. Work 8 sc in seeond ch frorn hook, join with sl st to first st Fasten off.

FINISHING: Stuff body and sow muzzłe. head and ears (brown side to the outside) in place as desctibed for poodle. Sew eompleted head aiłd taił to body in same manner. Embroid-ery: Embroider eyes, eyebrows. rutóe, moutb and tongue as for poodle, ex-cept sew eye patches in place as shown in photograph before cmbroid-cring eycs. Tic bow around neck.


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