28 (36)

28 (36)

Speclai Abbrcviation Cluster - work nr mto each ot next ftdc _ntl 1 bop ot each rema ns on hack. yo and ihrccgh all 7 locps on nook.

’.'.j;<e ©dl, 5I 51 Wio firsi ch tc form 0 ring. st round:2ch (cour.:as Idc).work ISdc 'to ring, sl st inlo 3rd c: 3ch at b=g ol


ind round: 3ch, 2dc t-.lc nex: dc. [Idc -to cox t dc, 2dc into ncxt dc] 71 mes. si sl

•    'o 3rd of 2ch at beg o: rcund.

ird round: 3ch, work 2dc inta each ol 23dc. 1 dc into sama s? as sl st at and :■ c'=vious rau-d. sl st into 2rć cf 3ch at ceg ol round.

itn round:4ch, work itrinto each of next r 3: until 1 locp ol cach rcmains er. hock, : and through all S Icops on hock {1 uster nade al beg ot rcund). 13ch, [1 : „-star over nex: 6dc. 13cn] 7 limes, sl st -3 top of tira: cluster.

:tn round: ‘cli, Isc into same st as łasi *t$c into each or nexl 6ch. 3sc into - •:ch. 1 sc mto each oi next Gch. 1 sc into

-    ; ot next clusler; rep from * 7 limes morę

rting I sc at and of las* -ep. si st into


rrn round: Ich, skipfirst sc. l sc into each r -exi 7&c. 3sointo nex: sc. Vsc into each = -ext 7sc, [skip sc. 1 sc mto each ot nexi ’ 3sc into next ac. 1 sc into each ot rext ' ej r limes, si st inic firsi sc at teg cf ound.

-    - round: len, skiplirst sc. 1 sc into cach r -ext 7sc. 3sc intc rext sc. 1 sc into each X - oxl 75C- (sklpssc, 1 SC into cach ot nexl

*    u. 3sointc nex: ac. 1 ac into each of.-.ext

7 times, skip ncxi sc, sf st mto tiret sc-ir- round: Aa 7th round. Fasten off.


Special Abbreviation 3dc bobbte or 4dc bobble = work 3 tor a; dc into r.sx1 51 until l loop ci each remains on hook. yo and tlircogli all 4 for S) leoos on hock.

lst round: Make4ch, work tleeinto Tirst oi llroso cli. sl sl into -tli ol 4ch at beg ol round.

2nd round: 3ch. werk 2dc into same st aa fasi si st unt i 1 icop ot c-acci yęmains cn rook. yo and ihrouęh a:l 2 Iccps on hook (3dc bobblo mado a! dog ol roer d). [: ch. 3dc bobbte into next cc) twice. Sch. '2ć: oobbio into c.px! dc. |lch, 3dc bobblo inlo next dej twice. 5ch; rep from * wice mere.

s! si into top of firsi bebbie.

3rd round: SI st into firs-t ch sp. 2ch. nto same ch sp as tasl sl sl work 2cc until 1 loop of each rema ns on hook. yo ano Ih.rough alt 4 loop® on hook i^CC bobble

nade a: beg of round). ‘Ich. -Idc bobble into nexi ch sp, 2c\ 5dc mto 5ch arch, 2ch. work 4dc bobble -tc next ch sp: reo trem * 31 mes mote omitiing bobble ateed ot last rep sl st intc top ot firsi bcbble. 4th round: Si st into tirst ch sp. 3ch tren comptete firm 4ric bobbte as on :ird round. '2ch. "dc nto 2ch ap. 1cc intD each of r-ex\ ?oc: ódc lnic next dc. idc into cach of nex: 2dc. ido into nex: 2ch sp. 2ch, 4dc bobble into nsxt ct: sp: rop trom * 3 limes morę omittrng bobble at er«d of lam iep, Sl Si inlo top ol lirsl bobblo.

Sth round: ach, ’2do inro nexi 2ch ?,p, 1 dc into eeoh oi nex: 4dc. 2ch. skip Ićc. 4dc bobbte inlo noxtcc, 3ch. skip idc. idc into each ot next dcc. 2do in:o next 2ch ap. 1 dc inlo top ci rexl bobble; rep from ' 3 times morę omitt.ng *dc at enfi cf last rep. al at

inlo 2-6 ct 3ch, at beg ci rouno.

6th round: Ser,, 1 dc inro each ot next 6dc. *2ch, skip 2ch, -Idc bobble into rext ch. 5ch, 40c bcbole into ncxt ch 2ch. 1 oc into 93ch of next 13dc: rep from' 3 times morę omilting 7dc at e:vd cf last rep. sl st into 3rd of3ch at beg of round. Fasrenoff.

jjj = 3dc bobble (f*- = 4dc bobble


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36 (28) III.3 Speclal Abbrevlatfon Bob ble - v/c < 5dc i nto nex? sc cni 1 loop Ol oach remains o
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29 (33) III.29 SpedalAbbreviations Bobble - work 3de inio nex: st un{l
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