leciał Abbrevlatfons idc clusier - work Idc in;o each ol ncxt ufltii 1 iOOp Ol ODCll rerriasns on hook. .2 3nd Ihrough .-.II 5 Icops on hcck.
4dc bobble or5dc bobble -wc-k 4dc (or ::i fmo next di unrii 1 ;oop Ol cacli - - nr. on hook. yo and thrOugh all 5 lor copsonhook.
■ Cch, sl st into iirst cn :o form a nnę. :r round:3eh (ccunlas 100). work '>5dc rrz nng, sl st into 2rd ol 3o.h o: beg cf
-o.«d. *
-v: round: 3ch, *dc into uach ol next :: [7cli, Ido into each or naxt dcc] 3 /ch. $1 st inlo 3id o? 3ch al bag cf
ział Abbrevlatlons
rccom = work 5tr in:c nexl ch. drop ioop - rook. insert hcok from {ho Ironl in!o ~ -i IhOSO Ir. pick up droppad icop and 13-: through. Ich Ig sao.re.
I »c2! = make 5ch. s! st into top of dc just
II s»s Sch. sl sł into iirst oh ro form a ring. ■. :ound: ech (count as idu. 3chl into
*ork [Ido. 3ch] 111 mes. sl st nic 3rd ii ;r ał beg of round.
3rd round: 3ch. work 1 cc into eaph ot next 3dc unt i Ioop of each remains on nook. yo and through sil 4 Ioop;. on hcck (i duS tar madę at beg of round), 5ch. skip 3ch. into .naw ch work [Idc. 5oh, Idc], Spo, *4<to dysior OVCr r*x! 4ćc. 5oh. stóp 3oh. ir.tc nexl ch work [1 dc, 5ch 1 dc], 5ch; ryp Iroin ■ lwica morę. sl st into top of iirst clustCh. 4th round: Ich. “Isc into top of cluster, '■ into each of nę« 5C*>, 1 sc inlc n«xt dc. 2ch, 4<łp bobblo into rrs«t ch. 5ch, skip "ch. 5do bobble into r.ext ch. 5ęfc, skip ich. 4dc bobble into next ch. ?cn, isc into dc, ISO into uach ci next 5ch; reo from 1 3 tlmes mera. ?.!■ s* inlO lirsl SC.
Fssten ofł.
1 ' =4dc cluster ,
= 4dc bobble V = 5dc bobble
2nd round: 1 sl sl into uach of Iirst 2oh of first arch. 4ch (count as Hf), work 41r rilo sarny ch as test sl st. c-op locpfrcm hook, irsen hook Irom the front into 4th ol 4cl), pick up drOpped Ioop and draw through, Ich to securc (popcorn mady al tao of rcurtd), 5di. Isc into r.ex13ch arch. [Sch. Stóp t Ch ci 00x1 3ch arch. 1 popcorn into next ch. =ch. Isc into nexl 3ch arch[ 5 limes. 5Ch. sl Sl into top ol first pcpcom. 3rd round: 4ch. into top oi first popcorn work [3tr, 5ch. 4IrJ. 3ch. Idc into next sc. I ptoot. 3ch, isc Into top Ol nuxl popcorn. 3ch, 1dc into nuxl sc. 1 picot. 3ch. “into top Of nax; popcorn work [4!r. 5oh. 4tr}. Sch, lóoin;onexrsc, I picct, 3ch, IscintO top Pt noxl popcorn. 3ch, Idc into r.axt sc. 1 picot. Sch: rep from * one© mord, SI Sl
Special Abbreviations Popcorn = werk 5-dc into nexr »c. drop Iccp frprr hock. insort hcok from the front into top of first of toSSO hÓC. pick up drepped ICOp and draw through. Ich to sećurs popcorn.
Picot - mate 3ch. work isc into frst cf trasa ch.
Mak© 10cli. sl sl into first ch to ferm a ring. Ist round: ich, work 16S© irilo ring. sl st into first sc.
2nd round: 2ch. work 4hdc into frst sc. drop oop :'ram hook. insert hpok Irom Ule frcnl into 2nd cf 2cn, pick up drepped Ioop and draw through. 1ch to Soujry (I popcorn madę a: Pag of rcund). 2ch. t pieót 2ch, [skip “SC, 1 popcorn tofonex:sc. 2ch. 1 proof. 2ch] 7 fiirss. st sr inrc top cf i 'St popcorn.
3rd round: 1ch. Isc into same sl as last Sl sl, [Sca ’ sc into too of next popcaml /
timŚE. 4ch. -dtr into first sc.
4łh round: Sl st into amn just tormec. 3ch (oppr.t os 1dCJ. wOrk 4dc info same a-ch as last sl st. 4ch. ifxt into ncxl 9ch aro-. 4ch. “v/nik [Seto, 5Cłl. ccc] into :%axt Sch arch. 4ch, 1sc into rexr Sch arch. 4ch: rep trem * r//KC morc. 5cc into sanre amh as first 5d:. 5d".. sl st into 3rd ot 3ch ai beg of round 5th round: 7ch (ccunt as lec 'ich). * Isc into next 4ch arcll. Sch. isc inlo nexl 4ch arch. 4ch. work [Sdc, 3ch, 5<toJ nic next Sch arch. 4Ch; rop Irom “ 3 times morę om to.ng l dc ano 4ch at cn<5 cf Sssst rep, s’ sl ihlo 3rd of 7p- =t t»ę ot round. Faste.n off.
i^i = Popcorn ki = Picot