SpedalAbbreviations Bobble - work 3de inio nex: st un{l| * locp cl eacii remai-s on nok. yo and th-ough a 4 locps on hook.
9!h round: S! st ima first $ch arch, *chi, Into ouch o! naxl I6£ch arehes work jlsc. 2ch. ldc.2ch. Idc.2ch. 1sc|.sisri.otCfirsl 6C. Faslari orf.
= Bobble
Fan - inro nexrdn werk [1 hdc, 3dC. IKCCj.
lat round: Make och, work |1dC. 1ChJ 7 times into first ch, sl st inro 4ih of Sch. 2ndround:4oh (ccunlas Idc. tch).werk 1ric into firstćhsp. *ch. [100 i:ile ricxl dc. 1 cli. 1 dc into r.yx: ch sp. 1 ch; 7 limes, sl sl ima 3rd of 4nh ar neg cl round,
3rd round: Sch (cc-.nt as Ida}, work 2cc IntO S&dlC cl cc last sl st unlil 1 loco ci each rsmsins on hcok, yo ord tnrougn all 3 leops on fiook (1 befebie mada 3t oeg of rcund). 2ch, [1 oobblć into nexl dc. 2ch] 15 limes, sl sl inio tep cf first bcbfce.
4ih round: Sch, work 3cc into first 2cn sp. ['.dc inro r,ext bobble 2dc ima nex: 2cn spj 15 timus. sl st inio 3rc of 3ch st beg of rcund.
5lh round; 3ch. work [:dc. Ihdc] inro oamc St as lasl sl sl. skip 1 do. 1 so into next dc. [skip idę. 1 fen into nextdo, Skip 1CC, *SC inio .-'.0x1 dej 15 ttoiss. skip !ast dc. wark [ihdc. ido) into same Sl as sl SI at end of p:avous rcjnd. s; st imo 2rc of Sch at hen of rcur-cl.
6th round: 1ch. tsc into same sr ar. lar: si st. 5cli. ;1sc ile cantar dcof nex: far, Schj 1S times, sl St into li'S! SC.
7th rcund: Sl st inro first Sch arch., Sch. work 6dc into same aren as sl S! werk 7dc into eacfi cf rwxf 15 Sch arches. si st into 2rc of 2ch st beg of rcund.
8th rou nd: Sl si into aacn of first 6ac. 1 ch., ISO between lost dc wOrkcd inio and naxl dc. 6ch. jskd 7dc, Isc between lart cc skipped and r.sxi nc. 5eh| 14 limes, Skip 7dc. Isc botwyyn lastdeskippec and 2ch at beg of preuious round, $c<-., $! $1 into
Spocial Abbr8viations Popcorn - work 5CC ihlo noxl st. crop oop rrorn hock. irtsen hcok inio top Cr lirst Of thosc dc. pick up dropped Icoo and draw rhraugh. ich *o secure popcorn, Picot = 3ch. si st into first of these cń.
Maks Och. si sl into first ch to form s ring. l9t round: ich, work 129; Into ring, Sl St mio t 'Sl SC.
2nd round: Sch icount as 1CC, 2ch), skip lirsl sc. [i dc into n~xt sc. 2ch] I! rimes. 5l Sl into 3'C ot 5cfi at bag of round.
3rd round: Sl st into first Sch sp, ach. 4dc mosame sp ars! rt.dmplccp l.'om licch. tisorl hcok into top of 3ch. pick uo dropped ioop and drpw Ihrougb. Ich lo
secure (1 popcorn mada at bog cf rounc 3oh. [1 popcorn Lnic nexr 2ch sp. tfchj t • j tirnos. sl sl into tep of first oopcorn.
4th round; SI Sl irilo lirst 3cfi sp. 3r I (counl as Ido). 3do into same so as s - ] 1Ch, j-CC into 00x1 Sch sp. 1ch] 11 lim-;: sl st into 2rc o; Sch at hec cf round.
5th round: Sl st into -sch of raxt 2dc sr j Into ch sp. Sch. 3dc into ssrra sp as s. 1 51 st, 2ch. inio ncxl cfi sp work [Sdc ' picot, 3dc], *2ch, work 4cc i mc nexr ch *; 1 ?Ch. Into ncxl ch sp work (3dc, 1 p 3dc); rep from * 4 times mo.'$, ?Ch. • rej nto Cndol 3cll atbog uf round. Faston c* |
= Popcorn = Picot
Abbtewalione snd Svmooscn o;:; :