RIKEN Accel. Próg. Rep. 24 (1990)
[dissociation of nLi, target-charge dependence, Glauber approximation.)
Recently, Kobayashi et al.l) measured cross sections for the reaction 11 Li + TC4t,Zt) —► 9Li + X where T = C, Cu, and Pb and reported unusual target-charge dependence of the Coulomb dissociation cross section oc(exp). In extracting oc(exp) from experimental data o(exp), they assumed that (i) the nuclear dissociation cross section ON(exp) takes the form oN(exp) = y{R(uU) + R(T)}, where R(A) is the “interaction radius”2) of a nucleus A and (ii) Coulomb-nuclear interference can be neglected and hence o(exp) = oc(exp) + oN(exp), and (iii) oc(exp) = 0 for T = C. With these assumptions they first fixed y using the value of o(exp) for T = C and then calculated oN(exp) for T = Cu and Pb from which oc(exp) a(exp) __ ON(exp) can estimated. In this way, they obtained the target-charge dependence oc(exp) Zr141±0-22, which deviates largely from ZT2.
Assuming that 11 Li consists of a 9Li core and two valence neutrons and the core remains in its ground State after collision, we can calculate the dissoscia-tion cross section for the above process using Glauber s formalism. Computational details are given in Ref. 3 and here we show only numberical results in Fig. 1. Our nuclear cross section oN (dotted curve) shows a qualitative agreement with ON(exp), while the total cross section o (dashed curve) overestimates for a Pb target. This is due to the fact that the effect of Coulomb-nuclear interference is — as expected — smali and hence o-oN is almost equal to the pure Coulomb cross section oc, which rises as Zx2.
As discussed in detail in Ref. 4, however, the exponent of the Coulomb cross section oc is sup-pressed for a high-ZT target if we take account of the bending of a trajectory. The solid curve in Fig.
Fig. 1. Dissociation cross sections calculated and measured for 11 Li. The dashed curve represents the total dissociation cross section o calculated by a harmonie oscil-lator model,3) and open circles are the cross sections measured o(exp). Cross sections due to pure nuclear interaction oN are also shown (dotted curve) together with the experimenta! oN(cxp). The solid curve represents the cross section o which takes bending effects into account.1’
1 includes this effect. In this case the Zx dependence of the Coulomb cross section becomes ZtL75, closer to the experimental ZT dependence. This shows the limits of the straight-line approxima-tion, or the importance of the bending effect.
1) T. Kobayashi etat.: Phys. Lett., 232B, 51 (1990).
2) 1. Tanihata et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett., 55, 2676(1985).
3) K. Soutome, S. Yamaji, and M. Sano: RIKEN-AF-NP-96 (1990).
4) K. Soutome, S. Yamaji, and M. Sano: in preparation.