RIKEN Accel. Próg. Rep. 24 (1990)
T. Papp, Y. Awaya, A. Hitachi, T. Kambara, Y. Kanai, and T. Mizogawa
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It was found, in the L3-subshell angular correlation0 and angular distribution2,3* studies, that the angular distribution of X rays reflects the effect of magnetic quadrupole (M2) mixing into the electric dipole (El) transition. The M2/ El mixing ratios experimentally obtained devi-ate significantly from theory4> around 60. In these experiments semiconductor detectors were used to detect X rays. This type of detectors well resolve the Li and La peak; however the taił of the intense L* peak lies under the Li peak, caus-ing a systematic error in the evaluation of the mixing ratio. The large discrepancy between theory and experiments would be verified from an angular distribution measurement by a higher-resolution detection techniąue.
Thus we carried out such a measurement, detecting X rays with a crystal spectrometer in which a position-sensitive proportional counter was incorporated.5) N2+ ions of 0.553 MeV/amu obtained from the RILAC were allowed to impinge on a Tb target of 4 /^m in thickness, tilted by 45° to an incoming beam, and the angular distribution was measured at eight different angles in the rangę of 95°-155°.
Usually, the L*i,3-X ray emission is regarded as isotropic and is used for a normalization standard in angular distribution measurements. How-ever, in heavy ion-atom collisions with a simulta-neous multiple outer-shell ionization, the isotropic angular distribution of the L0U3-X ray has to be verified experimentally. Therefore the angular distribution measurement was perfor-med in two steps: First the ratio of to La transitions was studied using a LiF (220) crystal. Since the Bragg angle for the La transition is 44° and the polarization sensitivity is very close to unity, the La intensity measured has an isotropic angular distribution, and can be used for normalization. From the measurement, the ratio of L^lt3 to La transitions and thus the L^lł3 transition were found to have an isotropic angular distribution. In the second step the angular distribution of the L-X rays was studied with a LiF (200) analyzer crystal. The intensity of the L3-X rays
were normalized to the LPXt3 transitions.
Figurę 1 shows an example of the L X-ray spectra. The spectra were evaluated by assuming a Voigt peak shape.
■ |
La |
1-31,3 |
A , \ |
\ |
. 1 |
f 1 LP2,1S |
1 % |
A J \ - /\ r \ |
i \ L, |
i \ / N-Y*'*'-** J v | |
■ 1_ |
1 ■ |
200 300 400 500 600
Fig. 1. L X-ray spectrum of Tb, ionized by 0.553 MeV N-ion impact, and measured with a crystal spectrometer using a LiF(200) crystal.
A large anisotropy was observed for the L3 X-ray lines. By assuming that the crystal was perfect, a value of —0.20±0.04 was obtained for the anisotropy parameter for the Li transition normalized to the L*i,3. The anisotropy was found two times larger for the L^.is transition than for the La. The ratio of the anisotropy parameters of the normalized Li and La transitions was evaluated to be 2.76±1.5 and 3.25± 1.9, assuming perfect and mosaic crystal struc-ture respectively. These results verify the dis-agreement with the theory observed in the earlier measurement carried out with semiconductor detectors.
1) A.L. Catz: Phys. Rev., A2, 634 (1970); E.S. Macias and M.R. Zalutsky: ibid., A9, 2356 (1974).
2) T. Papp: High Energy Ion-Atom Collisions (eds. D. Berenyi and G. Hock), Lecture Notes in Physics, 294, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, p. 204 (1988).
3) T. Papp and J. PSlinkćis: Phys. Rev., A38, 2686 (1988).
4) J.H. Scofield: ibid., 179, 9 (1969); J.H. Scofield: ibid., A10, 1507 (1974).
5) A. Hitachi, H. Kumagai, and Y. Awaya: Nuci. In-strum. Methods, 195, 631 (1982).