


“The only easy

She was going to drów

Lifcguard Kelly Jacobs watchcd thc sun go down and kncw time for hcr rescuc was running out. The naval b3sc glittered in the fading liglit. like a jewcl she could not rcach. The sea surged and pulled. stinging hcr with cold.

Until he came.

Navy SEAL Lieutenant Joe “Bear" Baker plucked Kelly from thc raging sea when she had nearly given up hopc. Shc'd known hc would como—hc was hcr best friend—and she clung for all she was worth to the safe havcn found in his arms.

Then she sald the wrong thing...

Kelly had already paid thc uhimate rncc of loving a warrior. She had the folded Hag and thc grateful thanks of a nation to prove it. She didn’t darc risk loving another man in uniform. Bu: held ciose m Joe*s arms. Kelly said thc wrong thing. and their friendship suddenly hung :r. thc balancc.

Now they’re both in danger.

The man who killed Kelly's husband > hack and eloser than cither Kelly or Joe realize. They‘rc about to discover tha: G d :> a refuge. bccausc this time tlierc may be no rescuc...

“Ms. Henierson’s gjt wilk words rnakes tkts kod .-wav i- rtc dewn."

;t i.::* \ Cii'b Romance Ghoit av AOL

“Dii Henderson bas tlone a splendid )d> intstng romanse wur zoe Ja r-paeed eelion of a Nayy SF.AI. pUtoon. Truć Dcvotion eaptures the fialiius oj mtrigue, suspensę, and inamścy wi&it tke setling of Amerieas tUte waterkorne eommandos.”

$TIVŁ HfclXIN( Jormer Ntrsy SEAI. and autbor of Mceting God Bchind Enemy Lina

Award-winning novclist Dcc Henderson is a lifelong restdenr of Illinois. She writes non-fiction as well as fiction (Danger in the Skadows. The Segodator. The Guardian. The Truih Seeker. The Pmtector. True Yalorj and is actńc on-linc.


AW Tnut...One Bn* ata Tent*

v*v»-a r-.ul:nom*hbooŁixo«n w ta    ul! r-.orr^h nes VJ< < oimca


ISBN 1-57673-886-8

199 ©


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