If you have a ven long waistband worked in ribbing, you can make in-conspicuous pockets. Work the rib-bing to the destred length and then bind«>11 the stitches tor the pocket very tightły. Instcad of knirring the stitches as ymi bind them uff, you can simply pass ihcm over (see hort-:oiual buttonholes, page 102). This will make rhe hinding off edge even tighler.
Ribhing pocket are even morę in-tonspicuous if you bind the stitches off in kitchener rih (starting on page 45).
Pick up lite stitches tor the inside pocket from rhe casiing-on edge, on the wrong side ot the work. On the purl stitches, pick them up from rhe crosswise thread. On the knit stitcho, pick them up from one part of the stitch each time.
Then work to rhe length ot the ribbing, Insert the stitches into the work, and continue in stockinette stitch or the bastc patiem. Tlić side edges oł the inside pocket are sewn on lutet.
IPick up the stitches for the in side pocket on the wrong side from the casting-on row...
2 ...and work in ribbing pattern.
Turn the ribbing up and continue working over alt tho stitches.
While double knit-m pockets ride up a lit tle morę, they don’t have the pwh* lem of sewing the inside pocket on.
Work the front to the desired length at the top edge of the pocket. Tlien put rhe stitches on both sides of the pocket on stitclt holdcrs and lirst work a row of knit stitches, on the right side of the work, over the pocket sritchcs. In the next row, on the wrong side of the work, make a picot edge by alternarely purling 2 stitches together and working a yarn over In rhe next row, on rhe right side of the work, knit uli the stitches and yarn overs.
Then continue in stockinette stitch umil the piece reaches rwice the pocket length, hit work rhe tast IV to 2" in the basie pattern again (pay attenrion to the number of stitches). Now put the two halves of rhe pocket together. right side on right side, and continue wir king the front over all the stitches. To Pmish. sew the >ide seams ot the jiocket and altach the outside stitches to the top pocket edges with a lew sewing stitches.