For some pattems, you have to Icnit swcatcrs crosswise, audi as if you wnnr ro work lengthwise stripćs and don’t want to work with .1 lot ofdif-ferenr skeins of yarn.
It\ truć that you c.m start the swenter ar the $ieeve and work u in 1 ptece over the shoukJere. But ifyou usc thick. country-type yarn, the sweater gets vcry hcavy; and if you usc soft yarn, ii can ea.sily strctch out ofshapc.
Herc, you can work nil rhc parts separatek and then sew the slecves onto the casting-on or hinding-oft edge of the front and back in open stitches. In orvler to tinish at the same length on both sides. start in the middle of the s!eevc—i.e.. ar the shouldcr. Leave half the working yam hnnging on the right sidc of tlte work. and nrsr sew I sidc to the eorner of the slccve. Then Iwgin at the same point in the ntiddle again, and sew the other sidc.
At the end, sew the side edge> ot the front and the back together using grafling stitch, and sew rhc sleevc scam using ineisible stitch (pages 112-113).
IWhen you sew sleeves onto pieces knit crosswise, put half the sleove stitches on 1 needle, the other half on another.
2 Stan working the grafting stitch in the center of the &!eeve, i.e., at the shoulder, and first work towards the left odge of the sleovo.
3 Then turn the piece and finish the other side. At the casting-on edge, catch the whole stitch. At the opon odge, catch 2 half stitches each time.
Sewing Ribbing Together
Cardigan or vc*st facings tlrat were knit with the piece. 01 wicie shawl collars. are gOnemlly worked in slmple ribbing: knit 1. purl i. Forrhc scctlon from the shouklcr to the center of the bark necfcline. you work only facing stitches. then they are joined in the center of the back.
Since the stitches of a sram sewn with grafling stitclt sltift over half a Slitełi. you can t sew this seam imisibly nor ran the Mitches Ik- knit together. Since riblx*tł stitches also coninui .1
lot. try this technitjtie: stitches fmm the needles on the
First put all the knit stitches on bottom together in the same
1 needle and the purl stitches on \vav. another so that only tłu* knit stitches are on the needle on both sides. Then put the pieces next to one another and first sew the knit stitches from the 2 needles on top together with grafling stitch. Then tum the work and sew lite