Jacquard Patterns

Weaving In Yarn Carried Across the Back of the Work

If you are working large jacguard patterns, where the inJiviJuaI parta of the design are morę than 7 stucho npsirr, you stawki occasionaily wcnvc in the yam you are not using, or even \veavc it in contimiously.

If yiKi u.se the \vcaving techntque in other woali, i!’you wcnve in the yam not lnring used coiuinuously— the appcarance of the sritches c.m casily bccomc irregular on ilu- front of t he work and rhe colors of the yarn bcing carried on the back cnn show through on the front. For thts reason. the yarn bcing woven in always has to be pulted up rather tight. Also, the knitting usually becomes tighter than norma! in Jacguard patterns hecausc of the yam heing woven tn.

For a hetter overview. rhe drnwings show the yam \voven tn at only 1 point (pluito.it bortom). Make surę that as you are knitting, you always havc the same yam color at rhe front of your forctlngcr. otherwhe you won't bc ablc to reproduce the steps shown tn the drawings. Hero the yclkiw yam is at the front, rhe msr-colored yarn at the hack.

IOn the right sido rows, ałter-nately knit the front yarn nor-mally. Then insert right needln into the stitch, bring the tip of the needle over both yams to the back. catch the front yarn from top to bottom, and bring it forward and through the stitch. passing over the back yarn.

3 On the wrong side rows,

alternately work the front yarn normally Then catch it going over the back yarn.

2Alternately knit the back yarn normally, then catch the yarn going under the front yarn.

Alternately work the back yarn normally. Then insert the right needle into the stitch. bring the tip of the needle over the front yarn from the front, catch the back yarn from top to bottom, and bring it forward and through the stitch, passing over the front yarn.

Long pieces of yarn carried at the back of the work are woven in at 1 or moro points.

If you use the weaving technigue for every stitch, the piece gets very stiff. łf the yarn is heavy. the woven yarn can show through on the right side of the work.

A view of continuous weaving from the back. Here, alternately work 1 stitch “normally," using the jac-quard techniąue (page 142), and 1 stitch using the weaving technigue.


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