
In addicion to bobbles, sections of embossing are a nice way of creating interesting effccts.

Embossing can bc workcd ovcr a few stitches or ovcr an entire row. You can creatc a vcry attractive design of dilTcrcnt lengths distributeJ it irregular intenals over an entire sweater. And you can use all kinds of colorful birs of yarn It the sections of embossed knitting are close together. the yarn tor the embossed knitting can bc cairied along at tho back ot the work, jusr as in intarsia work. It the sections of embossed knitting are fart het aport, you should work with individual picces of yarn or smali skeins.

If sewing in the yarn ends of the embossing yarn is too much trouble ...

... try a tailor's knot. Make an overhand knot with the 2 yarn ends held together. Then push the knot towards the knitted piece with a needle, pulling the ends tight.

You should check the knots from time to time to make surę that they haven‘t come undone.

1Leave tho yarn of the main color hanging on the back, and use the embossing yarn ...

3 Use a thin cable needle to pick up the stitches of the last row below the embossing. Make surę you have the same number of stitchos.

2... to work the desired width and length—in this case, 6 rows of stockinette stitch.

4Turn the work and put the needles one behind the other. Then knit 1 stitch from the front needle and from the cable needle together each time. Insert the needle into the front stitch knitwise and mto the back stitch knitwise iwisied.

Finally, work tho row to the end.



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