The traditional Entrelac pattern may look complicated at first glance, but once you i getihe hangofit, irs easy to knit.
If you want to work .1 sweater in Entrelac patiem, you shoulJ choosc either a V-neck, boat neck, or squarc neck. You cant make mdieidunl decreases tor a rot in Jod neckline- Also. the slceve> havc to be knit Ir om the top down. A decrcasc ot halt a pattern piece cvcry other row of the pattern is the simpłest answer for the slnntcd edges of the sleeves.
The various schemacie drawings show you how the triangles and $qunrcs can be dhided up. Always work .« suflkiondy large sample lor gauge. Ir should be at least 3 sąunres wide and high. Then you can calcu-lato the si:e of the swearer. As in the e.Namples shown, draw the en tire sweater (or at least the front or baek) and I $leeve on graph paper.
In this pattern, there are no limits on how mmi vary the colors. You can use 2, 3, or morę colors. Or you can work cuch rectangle or triangle in a dilTcrcnt color. It miglu be worth* while checking your scrap basket.
Tire si:c of the pattern pieces can also vary. On pages 158-159. the pattern is explnincd step by step, using the example of pattern pieces worked ovcr 10 stitchcs. The pattern pieces can be madę smaller or larger, following the same principlc.
In this 3-color sweater, the pattern pieces are worked over 10 stitches. The layotit of the triangles and sejuares i- shown in the fuli diagram .md photo. Four triangles were Icłt out for the front neckline. The wrfcrhmd and waistband ribbing and the ncckband were knit on lat et.