THE CENTRES OF PRODUCTION of the icvcntccnth and firn balfof the cightecnth cenimy- Indccd, k may have stcpped io to supply panek dccoratrd inasimplc nunncr while the Spani&h induscy wasindcdine.asn was ai chat mgr. Ii ts unlikdy chat Portugal would harc bccn ablc to competc wńh the Duich and Flemiih Industries in producing claboratc panels, on the othcr hand. If it had, we would surcly have fbund a great deal morc rcferencei to the Pottugucsc induury.
Gilt leather was used in Scandmaria in the sewnteenth and earfy dghteenth century. Indeed, several tootns survive in Swedńh and Danish countzy-houses that are mil embeflishcd widi such hangings. Sen of pictorial hangings in the Swtdnh Royal Co»-lection are bdcfljr mendooed on page 75. Aiound 1700. * was not uncommon for chairs to be prorided witfa seats uphoktrred with pk leather and many eaamples may Jtffl be scen in Scandinavian collcctions.1
' The Owa of Deamafc Ind an annduir cowred » e* kuhcr in ha mm ■ <
.688. for boacr. «Ue m duin ofEn^d. typ* (U-
byd«ioyalcł»br-«kri.fttóBo^bi7l«faR«^CaA(«CBocm.Ko«>edva«' .mii n'ng 1700 ia (be FtaArjt d IW Mib, >945)*