panem* wet* fir moce compkx; k tt noc always possiblc 10 sce which way up a pand thoald go, and the rcpeats are so arranged chat che panem oftcn flows aooa sewcral adjacent panek. The mocifi, coo, are new. Fescoons of flowers and fiuit crail acrots che panel. while fil fMftf ofien tumbie about among the rich flora. Possibly the mon natura! ńde Aoral panom werc creaced In Holland buc this is fir fiom cenain. Ewen wfccn the panem* wet* symmctrical and formal, adhering co che older traditions, the firm* tbem-tdra werc treatrd with great fieedom and che detail* wcrc oftcn highly naturalmic


The author u indebted Ibc the foUowing infotmation to an aniele by C. Doorman,' to which his aoendon bas only Iatcly been drawn. Ic cantami a great dcal of fictual in-formation about che important trade in gik leacher in Holland, cullcd fiom official rccords. Ic appean chat there alrcady cxisced a trade in impocted gile leacher by t6i2, when I mccchanc of Amsterdam named Schulcnburg was procceded agairnt Car fiiling to ddivcr to Nuremberg *ao Rooms gik leacher of Córdoba*; buc the manuficture wai apparently noc praedsed in Holland much befbre chat. for in che same ycar anocher Amsterdam mccchanc named Jacobss was granted a patent (liccnce) to 'trade in and manuficture ... princed and silvered leacher* for a term of siać ycars. In I6i| a cerom de Swart (an armourer who had alrcady obcaincd a patent for making wooden sbidds dad with leacher and ocher maserials) and a nun named Le Maire. boch of The Hague. werc granted a seven-year patenę for a mechod of pdnting design* on leacher and itatilet. In 1617 Le Maire tnovcd co Amsterdam where hc engaged in che manuficture of gilt leacher and ocher leacher goods, in a workshop pcovided by the city which abo granted him an intcrcst-ficc loan of    guilders. There are rccords of contracts placcd by him

lor ciłvcr £bil and Frcnch calf skins. In 1608 dc Swart. chcn 'gik leacher maker to the Prince of Orange*, was granted a patem of dght ycars* duraoon ‘to press figures raited and modcUed withoot ink or black on gik. silvered or ochcrwise colourcd leacher*. Lc Maire discovexcd chat che "instrumenes* uscd for embossang. evidcody wooden mouldi. woc tnadc by an Amsterdam master wood-caxver named Elberc Jansz who. howtw, refined so supply him. As a conscgucncc Le Maite*s producc connnucd co be confined co *flat gik leathen princed with ink or black* umil, on che dcarfa of de Swart. hc went into partnenhip with de Swart*s widów in order co work on che pasem. In 163! hc took proceedmgt agamst alleged infringcrc buc. in the coutsc of the legał arguments. ic was

ś.*rMr*rrW, *

Th* H*giM. 9*a, pp- 47~54-


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