IMGR63 (2)

IMGR63 (2)


pan chat may be nha earba in datę. Both kaihas could wdl be English although we km abo mggfwert (bat they might hm cm fiom Ponnpl (scc page 109).

In 1679 ibcrc was a toom a Dublin Casde hung wab ‘new" gik kadm hangingt whicb could of coooe have bccn English but may havc bccn impoctcd. la tbc umt place, fot wampie. was 'a new tabk and (candkl stands covcrcd widi Spanish kadm* wfakk may poctibły km bccn gik. The Duke of Otmond, who oecupicd both Dublin and Kdkcnny Cuda ai dus datę, had ‘duce Ficach gik kadm carpm [Le. covm] fitted to the tables* in the Gceat Dining Room at the lana establishment. He incidenully alio had 'two ptinted leather carpcts' on sonie tables at Kilkenny.'

In an invcntory madę in i6ta at Cowdray Housc, Susiec (dcsuoycd by fire in 1791) it is recordcd that in the Gik Lcathcr Room dmc woe 'Hangings all round of Bowcred guik kadm* and *cightcen chain of the same*. In the Banqueting House in the Crounds dmc wac 'hangings of green printed paragon and guik kadm*. In the ‘Wacdc Robę* (whicb had by then become a aomoom fcc fomiiutc and fumishings) dmc wac *two kadm caipctts* (coven far futniture) and ‘one guik kadm skin’.* In 1699 Hampton Court was providcd with somc 'fine gilt leather to hang a toom, $s. pa skin*.* Thcse arc morę likely to havc bccn Dutch than English but, one* again, an English provcnance ean certami y    bc cxcludcd.

In tbc Dyrfaam Park Archivcs (Glouccstashire Rccords Office) are two interesting ktters written by William Blathwayt to his 'cozen* Charles Waikins fiom whicb the fallowing quotations are taken:

5 July 1702 ‘Therc are one hundred loa seavtn skins of gik kadm for ye Grcat Room which arc to be fiord up as soon as nuy be and the opportunity of wett weatha to be taken.’

8 August 1702 *This is very good weatha to putt up Gilt kadm m ye vcstibuk if Mr Shclton s man comes dmc cnough.

Lcatha łungingr consisong of an appropnate numba of panek of identical size scamed togetha (oc moce nreły joincd by 'scade* joints and occasionally employing both methods) were in most cascs literally 'hung', being attached to the wali by large-headed brass nails along the top and down the uda (Platę 30). Somcumcs the panek wac linęd with canvas to prevent sagging. It would seem chat the hanging was done during wet weatha in orda that che kadm, being slighdy swollen by che damp aimoiphere, would contract as it dried out and thus hang flat and even.

•    HŁmieal Mamnoips Ciwm. New Sm VII, ifia

'San; F. W, A Cmbtj ImaOnyif 1682,Swa Aiducolorical Sodoy, 1907.

•    Mnqaoid and Edwaids. ep. ol. p. a»7.


«S    * WM


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