At the start of your embroidery. loave the yarn end on the front so thal it won't get tangled on the back as you work. When you
Duplicatc Stitch and Embroidcn
Design chart: Each box on the chart reprosents 1 stitch.
the hiv>k trom front to bnck agnin, 1 or 2 rows hmher. Bnnu another loop rhnuiyh and draw ir throuRh the loop on the hook.
Smali designs, like this stylized cat face, should be woriced in duplicate stitch. Such designs can even turn a purchased sweater into a oneofakind item.
It i> easier and fastcr to work slip stitches with a crochct hook than to cmbroider duplicatc stitches. Hołd the y-am under the work. Insert the crochet hook betwcen 2 stitches, front front to bnck. and bring the yarn to the front. Thcn insert start n new thread, sew it in first. Then bring it to the front and stan embroidering. Of course you should always sew the ends of the yarn in as soon as you have finished with them.
You can embroider the cat face according to this partom chart.