Pom-poms, Tassels, Fringes

Whethor they're solid or mixed colors, they're always decorative.

IWrap yam around a rectang-ular cardboard, and tio the bunch of yarn at the top. Cut it opon at the bottom.

2Wrap the bunch of yarn tightly with some morę yarn, and ends to a uniform length.

Fringes lland-knit »carvc- mmii chow L incomplete without fringes. Indńid-ual fringes can also look very attrac' rivc on vests and cardigans.

The piec es of yarn havc to be twicc as łong plus approximately as the dcsircd length of the łringe. For shorT fringes. wind the yarn around a rec-tiingular piece of cardboard cut to che right si:e. For longer fringes. you can even wrnp the yam around a book >'i che correct size. Then cut the hiinch of yam at the Fsittom edge.

Now put 2 ro 3 pieces ot’ yam to* gelher and told them tn half. Insert a crochet hook through a sritch of the scarf from bottom to top, and puli the pieces of yarn rhrough so that a loop is formed on the bottom. Draw rhe ends of rhc yarn through this and puli them tight. Leave a spacc of I to 3 st ttches herween evcry fringe.

For a fnnged edge with multiple knots. the picccs of yam have to ho about 2'^" longer than the desired fringe length. Knot the fringes in with a crochet hook, as desenbed above. Then. for the rirst row ot knots, take only half of the bunch of yam at the heginning and end. In hetween, always knot half of 2 hunches of yarn together at a distance of nhour 'i:" from the edge. Bttng the knot to the desired location the same way as lor the cailors knot (page 153). Work the sccond row ol knots the same way. At the heginning and end. knot the tii>t half bunch of yam together with half of rhe next one.

IPull the bunches of yam doi.vn and through with a crochet hook.

2Bring the ends of the yarn through the loop and puli them tight. Finally, trim the fringes so they are the same length.

A fringed edge with multiple knots on a scarf is very attractive.



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