Pom-poms, Tassels, Fringes

A pom-pom or tassel looks great on a child s knitted hat, as do fringes on a scarf.


A largo pom-pom. or 2 or 3 smali ones, gives a fimshing rouch to a chikl’s knitted lut. Many littlc pomponu at tłu* bortom edge of pullovers without ribbing aro also a lot of fun. You can make snakes and other animals our of pom-poms. And a gift packagc wrapped with wool and dccorated with a lot ot colorful pom-poms is vcry original. There aro no limits on your imagination!

Cut 2 rings of the same size front stunJy cardKtard. lite outside diamotor of thoso rings corrcsponds to abour hnlt rhe diamerer of the tinishod pom-pom. (You can also buy pl islic pom-pom makers in needle-work storos.) Tlto insidc diamotor bas to be abour */» to ^ of the outside diamotor. For cxamplc, if tlić outside diamerer i> 2Vi, the insidc diamotor of the circlo should bc altom The bigger the inside diamotor, the firmer tlto pom-pom.

Now place the 2 rings on top ot cach other. Thrcad a heavv yarn needle with several kmg pteces of yarn, and >ew around the cardhoard rings utuli the hole tn the middle 1> filled wirh yarn.

Thon cut the yarn along the outside edge. Puli the cardhoard cudo apart slighlly, wind double yarn around rhe bundle ofyam very

ISew yarn around 2 cardboard rings until the inside hole is filled with yarn.

2 Cut the yarn

around the edge, and put a knot between the cardboard circles with a strong piece of yarn or thread.

3 Trim the pom pom into shape with a Sharp pair of scissors.

You can use any type of yarn for pom-poms. Even scraps of yarn can be used for a bright and colorful pom-pom.

tight, and knot tt securely. Thts piece of yam has to hc vcry strong so tlut tt doos not teat For cxample, if you aro using angora or loosely rwistod yarn for your pom-pom. it is better to tise a piece of synthetie yarn, ot even a piece of biutonhole thrcad in a matching color rarhor than the yam of the pom-pom itself.

Remove the cardboard circles and trim the pom-pom irtto a perfectly round shape.


Tassels arc eveti simpler to make than pom-poms. A fat tassel can cvcn rcplacc a pom-pom on a knitted hat. Instead ot fringes, you can make many littlc tassels on a scarf. Tassels arc also a traditional and attractive touch on pillows, tableclorhs, and table runners.

For tassels, you need scraps of yarn and a rectangular piece of cardboard tlut is as long as the desired tassel length.

Place a double piece of yam along the top edge of the cardboard and kxxscly wind rhe yam around horh the piece of yarn and the cardboard. Th en knot the top threads tight togćthcr, and cut the hunch ofyam ar the hot tom edge. Wrap yarn tight around the hunch of yarn about W bclow rhe rop edge, puli the ends through the wnipped part, and cut them off. Finally. trim the Kurom edge of the tassel so tlut it is straight.



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