Tips for Ribbings
For a single waistband, the elastic For a double waistband, cut the is sewn on with overcast stitch. elastic to the reguired length plus
about li" and puli itthrough.
For heavv sweatcrs, skirts. or cliii-drons pnnts. wide ciastu can ho sewn on or łnserted into a double waistband.
For a Singli* Waistband
Cut the elastic to the required length plus tor the scam. Now put the beginning and end of the elastic on top of each other and sew them to-gether with a lew stitches.
Fin the elastic onto the waistband. Usinp overcasr stitches. sew it on with a tapestry needle and the original yam or a yam that matches in Color and is not CM) thm. Work Iron) leń to righl, but keep inserting the needle into the knitted piece from riglit to leń. Altematcly put the needle through a knit rib at the top edge, abovc the elastic. and through the 2 loops of the knit rib just które the basie pattern at the kurom edge. klow the elastic. skip* ping l rib each timc. Don't puli the yam too tight.
For a Double Waistband
Double waistband* can be knit together or cm bc sewn down Inter fsee also heros, pages 58-59).
No matter which way you work, you can leave a few stitches open, insert the elastic. puli it through, sew it together. and then sew the rest of the waistband scam. Or you can knit together or sew the entire waistband scam. and puli the elastic through the narrow opening in the side seam.
Wom*out or dnmaged ribbing can also be replaced as follows: Open the seams partway. Now puli u marking thread through '/iofall the knit stitches of the second row of the
IPull a marking thread through the second row of the basie pattern. Then pick up the stitches in the first row of the basie pattern on a thin knitting needle.
2 Cut the purl stitches of the ribbing opon carefully, below the knitting needle, take the ribbing off the sweater, and remove the smali pieces of yarn.
basie paltem. This marker makes your work much casier, because it prevcnts you from slipping into another row. Then pick up the stitches in the lirst row of the basie partem mi a thin knitting needle.
Now you can cut nil the purl stitches of the ribbing, take off tho ribbing. and puli the ends of the yarn • hu. Now work 1 row of knit stitches on the right side ot the work, or 1 row of purl stitches on the wrong side ol the work, using the reguired needle stie. In this row. make surę that the stitches are not on the needle twisted.
Then work in the ribbing pattern agam. In the ftrst row, work the pnmous inereases as decreases <k2 or p2 log evenly distributed). Work tire ribbing to the desired length and bind off looscly.