Tuition for classes at Central Texas College locations outside the Central Campus varies with the govemmcnt contract or Memorandum of Understanding through which the institution operates. Therefore. both tuition and fces may be adjusted. based on govcmment contracts and local conditions, during the period this Catalog is in effect.
Costs of classes to students will vary with the level of support being providcd by the sponsoring agency at each campus or site.
Obtain information about current tuition, fees and costs of classes from the Education Offlcer, Navy Campus Represenłative. or the Central Texas College represcntativc.
Institutional Challenge K\amination Fce: A $50 fec for each challenge exam should accompany the Application for Exam. Degree Fce: A non-refundable feeof$25 ispayablcat thetimeyou apply foradegreeorcertificatcofcompletion.
CertiFicate Fee: A non-refundable fee of $ 10 is payable at the timc you apply for a 15 or 30 semester hour certificate.
Transcript Fee: The First transcript is issued free of charge. Subsequent transcripts arc $3 each.
Returned Check Charge: A charge of $25 is madę for all checks which have been retumed for insufficicnt funds.
Refund of overpayment of transcript or record fces will be madę only upon written application by the student.
Make checks or money orders payable to Central Tcxas College. Central Tcxas College requircs payment of tuition and applicable fees beforc attendance at the First class mceting.
The effective datę of the withdrawal is the datę the w ithdrawal form is datę stamped at the appropriate Education Center or Navy Campus Office and signed by the ESO or designated representativc. In all cases, the instructor must sign the withdrawal form, either beforc or after the effective withdrawal datę.
Refunds w ill be computcd from the effectivc datę and will be madę according to the follow ing Schedule unlcss publicized diffcrently at the local education center or local CTC Office:
100% Withdrawal before the first class meeting.
75% Withdraw al if not morę than 1/8 of the total class meetings havc elapsed.
25% Withdrawal if not morę than 1/4 of the total class meetings havc elapsed,
0% Withdrawal if morę than 1/4 of the total class meetings havc elapsed.
The Director of Administrative Scrvices will process refunds after receipt of ccrtification by the Student Services Office that the Application for Withdrawal or the Application for Refund form has been properly complcted and processed.
Emergency withdrawal will be considered to be filcd on the datę of the emergency. Students must submit written proof of cmergcncy such as military emergency lcavc orders or medical ccrtification of Family emergency. Refunds under emergency conditions will follow the refund of tuition Schedule above.
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