Students w ishing to attcnd Central Texas College should visit the local Education Center or Navy Campus Office to consult with the ESO or NCR about cducational goals. Education Center and Navy Campus ofllces provide diagnostic. aptitude. and placement testing to assist students in selecting programs of study and cducational goals. Oncc you have idcntificd and chosen an appropriate degree and program of study. the admission and registration process may begin.
Addrcss requcsts for application matcrials or questions conceming admission to the Central Tcxas College personnel at each location.
Central Tcxas College is a comprehensive community college that maintains an open-dooradmissions policy to ensure that all persons who may benefil from postsecondary education have the opportunity to enroll. New students will be admitted to Central Tcxas College providing all admissions requirements are met Admission to Central I exas College does not guarantee admission to spccific programs and courses. In addition to the following criteria, students must complete an Application for Admission form before being considered for unconditional admission.
Individuals who have not previously eamed a high school diploma or GED are not eligible to enroll in collcgc-level coursework until they have taken and successfully passed an independently administered Department of Education examination The examination must have been taken within the past year.
Non-graduates secking further infonnation should contact their Central fexas College representative.
Students who hołd diplomas from accredited sccondary (high) schools or General Education Development (GED) equivalency certificates will be admitted to Central Texas College. Students transferring Irom anothcrrcgionally accredited college will be admitted if they are eligible to return to the institution last attended. Adults. veterans and military personnel who havc not complctcd a high school program, but w ho are prepared to undertake post high school studies may be admitted if recommended by an education specialist after providing official test scores from a list of approved tests authorized by the Department of Education.
An adult. for purposes of admission. is defined as an individual 18 ycars of age or older
l.ocal and third country national students must provide an official certificate of a minimum score of 450 on the I est of I nglish as a Forcign l.anguagc (TOEFL) to be considered for admission to degree-credit courses I hose individua!s scoring 450-499 w ill be eligible for college-lesel coursework if they successfully pass applicable sections of the CTC placement exam. Students scoring 375 and above are eligible for admission to developmental studies courses
Personnel not sponsored in the overseas command by the U.S. Armed Semces are not normally permitted to attend Central l exas College classes. Applicants may attend classes if local policy permits. bul they must reccive approval from the local ESO or NCR for necessary military and gosernmental approval before being permitted to file an application for admission. Active duty personnel w ill havc priority w hen cnrolling for all classes.
Central l exas College students w ho have not enrollcd for two ycars or morę at Central I exas College must re-complete the admission process. II you have attended other institutions during your abscncc from Central Tc.xas College, you must provide transcripts from all institutions attended during the absence.
Gfwral Wonwtion