udent Responsibilities

Address Changes

Ali correspondence from Central Texas College to the student will be sent to the address provided on the Application for Admission. Any address changes must be madę in writing to the Student Scrvices Records Office. Students are responsible for all communication mailed to the last address on file.

Name Changes

lndividuals must provide their legał name on their Application for Admission bccausc it is the name that will appear on their official student rccord. To change a legał name to a ncw legał name. submit a copy of the signed court order showing the authorized new legał name. To changc a last name after marriage. a copy of the marriage certificatc is rcquircd. A fcmale student who wishes to discontinue the use of her married name and resume the usc of her maiden name or a different name must present a divorce decrcc or signed court order showing restoration of the maiden name or other name. Name change documents and affidavits must be submitted to the C&l Records Office on Central Campus. Addresses are located in the front of this Catalog.

Records Access

In compliance with the Family Educational Rightsand Privacy Act of 1974. Informationclassified as“directory Information" may be disclosed to the generał public without prior written consent from a student, unless the Central Texas College Records Office is notified in writing. by the student, bcforc the 4th class day of each term. This statement of non-disclosurc will be retained for one year after submission. Release of additional Information pertaining to the student record must be authorized in writing by the student.

Falsification of Records

Students who know ingly falsify Central Texas College records or who know ingly submit any falsilicd records to CTC are subject to disciplinary action which may include suspension or expulsion from CTC.

Scholastic Honesty

All students are required and expected to maintain the highest standards of scholastic honesty in the preparation of all coursework and during examination$. The follow ing will be considercd cxamples of scholastic dishonesty:

Plagiarism Taking of passages from the writing of others without giving proper credit to the sources.

Collusion Using another s work as one’s own or working together w ith another person in the preparation of work. unless such joint preparation is specifically approved in advance by the instructor.

Cheating Givingorreceiving Information on e.xaminations.

Students guilty of scholastic dishonesty w ill be administratively dropped from the course w ith a grade of **P‘ and subject to disciplinary action.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse

You are admitted to Central Texas College for the purposc of educational. social. and persona! cnhancement. As a student, you have rights and privilcges as prescribed by State and Fcdcral Constitutions. statutes. and policics of the Board of Trustees of the College District. With thcsc rights and privileges you also havc certain duties and responsibilities essential for creating an environment where all students can leam how to live productive. fulfilling lives.

Substance and alcohol abuse disrupts this environment and threatens not only the livcs and well being of students. faculty. and staff but also the potential for educational. social. and pcrsonal cnhancement. I herefore. it is important for all members of the Central Tcxas College community to takc responsibility for preventing substance and alcohol abuse.

foml Informawn


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