To: Ali Staff
From: Candidate Datę: 26.04.2020
I would like to advise you that I will be out of the Office tommorrow. I had a telephone cali from Mr Lawdon, an important customer, who was very unhappy. Last week Mr Lawdon bought two machnies from our company. Both the machnies have broken down, so I have agreed to go to his factory in the moming to try and repair the machnies.
Could you carry out the duties listed below? I should be back in the office by mid-aftemoon. To do LIST:
• phone Andrew (Engineering Dept.)- explain situation and say I might cali for help
• phone Susan (Planning Dept.)- ask her for availability on new FXL 9000 cutting machinę
• go for a meeting at 10 am with Karen Locke about new customer show round factory
• demonstrate FXL 9000
• FXL 7500 model, Find out if situation with faulty components been resolved. If yes, fmd out delivery time, ask Valerie, she will know.
Your cooperation in this matter is crucial and will be appreciated. If you have questions cali to me.