auchorlzed to perform the duties of the Office for which he is so elected for the balance of the Assoclation Year.
14. The Assoclation Bank shall be the Canadlan Imperial Bank of Commerce with which all Assoclation funds shall be deposited in an account requiring two signatures for withdrawl, that of che Executive Secretary and the Honorary Secretary Treasurer or either one of them with any one of the President, Vice-President, and Vice-President Elect.
Funds from the main Assoclation account may be deposited in any branch or branches of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in accounts as authorized and limited in size by the Executive. Funds from these accounts may be withdrawn to make current disbursements on the signature of individuals authorized by the Executive. Before additional funds are transferred ac the end of each fiscal year from the first-mentioned account to another account, the individuals responsible for such other accounts shall submit to the Executive Secretary a statement of revenues and expenditure8 for the year. The Executive Secretary of his nominee shall be empowered to sign the bank's form of settlement and release.
15. The Executive shall appoint an Auditor who shall examine the books of account of the Assoclation in each fiscal year and who shall submit a report to the Executive to be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Assoclation.
16. It shall be the duty.of the Executive Secretary to keep the corporate seal of Che Assoclation and to certify documents lssued by and under the authority of the Assoclation.
17. No Councillor or Officer shall be required to vacate his Office by reason of his being concerned in, interested, or participating in any contract for work done for the Assoclation. However, he shall not vote
in respect to any such contract, and shall disciose his interest co Council or to the Executive.
18. A member of Council or Executive may be voted sums of money by the Council or Executive for out-of-pocket disbursements.
1. Proposals for addlclons, corrections, or amendments to the By-Laws may be forwarded to Che Executive Secretary by means of a resolution passed by Council, a resolution passed by the Executive, or a petition slgned by at least ten members in good scandlng. The proposals must be recelved by the Executive Secretary at least four monchs before an Annual General Meeting at which it is desired that they be consldered.
2. The Executive Secretary shall submit any such proposals to all Members in writing by mail, at least two months before the
Annual General Meeting at which they are to be consldered, and shall place dlscusslon of these proposals on the agenda of che meeting.
3. When dlscusslon of the proposed amendments takes place at the Annual General Meeting, the Executive Secretary shall dlstribute ballots clearly setting forth each proposed addltlon, amendment or correction, and providlng for an lndlcatlon by the Members of a vote in favour of or against each proposal.
If a Member desires to vote proxies, he shall receive a ballot on which the Executive Secretary shall initial the number of proxies authorized.
Amendments to proposals will be out of order.
4. A Teller Committee of three Members shall be appointed by the Annual General Meeting to receive the ballots, as soon as dlscusslon and subsequent ballotlng has ceased. The Teller Committee shall report the resulcs of the vote before the Annual General Meeting shall have adjourned. If at least sixty percent of the votes cast is in favour of the proposed additions, corrections, or amendments, consldered separately, chen these proposals shall be separately declared adopted.
5. The repeal, amendment, addltlon, or correction of By-Laws not embodled in Letters Patent shall not be enforced or acted upon untll the approval of che Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs has been secured.
6. Amendments affectlng the membershlp of Che Council of the Assoclation 9hall become effective at the end of the Assoclation Year. Other amendments shall become effectlve thirty days after the approval as required by the Canada Corporations Act has been secured from che approprlate authority.
7. Copies of the amendments shall be distributed to all the members as soon as practlcable after adoptlon.
1. The Executive shall appoint a Nominacing Committee which shall nomlnate members for election to the Executive of the following year, and to the Council.
2. The Nomlnatlng Committee shall be composed of the President and three Assoclation Members, appointed before the February lst in each year, one of whom shall be Chairman.
3. The Nominating Committee shall sollcit nomlnations for Councillors from Members resldlng ln the dlstrlct to be represented. If no nomlnations are received, nomlnations shall be madę by the Nomlnatlng Committee.
4. The names of the persons nominated by the Nominacing Committee or received by the