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shall be voting members of the local Executive.
5. Sections shall adopt By-Law9 provldlng for the election and the tero9 of Office of officers, the holding of meetings, and other matters of local Jurisdiction, but such By-Laws shall not come into force until approved by the Executive.
6. Where not otherwlse provided for, Sections shall conform in the rules of order and generał procedurę to the method and rules adopted by the Association.
7. Secretaries of Sections shall present an Annual Report to the Executlve, which shall present a generał report on the actlvities of the sections to the Council.
8. The establishment of a Section shall not release the members from any of their obllgations to the Association, nor shall the Association be liable for any expenses incurred or obligations undertaken by Sections wlthout the approval of the Executive.
9. A Section 9hall not publicly enunciate any policy or take any publlc actlon without first consulting the Executlve and obtalning its approval.
10. Local Sections may be flnanced from the
funds and revenues of the Association, and by such grants as the Executive may approve from time to time.
1. Student Chapters may be e9tablished by the Executive at univer9ities, the membership to conslst of Students in the dlstrlct who desire to join the Chapter.
2. Student Chapters so formed shall have the right to nomlnate one of their own members to the Local Executive of the Local Section representing the Association in the area
in which the University is located.
3. The Chairman of the Local Section or his nominee shall be ex-officio member of the Student Chapter Executive. If no Local Section exlsts, the Executive will name
one member to the Student Chapter Executive.
4. Student Chapters may be flnanced from the funds of the Association, and by such grant8 and rebates as the Executlve may approve from time to time. When a Student Chapter offers service9 which are, in the opinion of the Executive, additional to the normal privileges of membership, such Chapter may be authorized by the Executive to make a charge for such services.
5* Student Chapters shall adopt By-Laws
providing for the election of Officers, the holding of maetings, and such other matters of local jurisdiction as may be deemed advlsable in the opinion of the majority of members. The By-Laws of Student Chapters must be approved by the Executive.
6. Physics Club9, Mathematics and Physics
Clubs, and similar Science Students' Clubs desiring affiliation as Student Chapters under the generał conditions set out in this article may be granted affiliation as Student Chapters by the Executive at lt9 discretlon.
1. Subject Divisions may be established by the Council for members having a common interest in speclal branches of physics.
2. Subject Divisions shall elect from their own number an Executive Commlttee conslsting of a Chairman, a Secretary-Treasurer, and other members. The terms of Office of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and the Secretary-Treasurer shall not exceed three (3) years.
3. Subject Divlslons shall adopt By-Laws providing for the election and the terms of Office of officers, the holding of meetings, and other matters, but such By-Laws shall not come into effect until approved by the Executlve. The By-Laws shall provide for dissolution of the Subject Division.
4. When a subject division offers services which, in the opinion of the Executive, are additional to the normal prlvlleges
of membership, it may be authorized by the Executive to make a charge for such services.
5. Subject Divisions may be flnanced by speclal revenues 9ubscrlbed to the Association for their welfare and support.
Be it enacted as By-Law No. 2 of the Canadian
Association of Physicists as follows:
The Executive of the Association may from
time to time:
1. (a) Borrow money on the credit of the
Association in such amounts and upon such terms a9 may be deemed expedlent.
(b) Issue bonds, debentures, debenture stock, both perpetual and termlnable, or other securitles of the Association for such sum and at such prlce as may be deemed expedient or be necessary.
(c) Pledge or sell such bonds, debenture9, or debenture stock or other securitles of the Association for such sum and at such prices as may be deemed expedient or be necessary.
(d) Charge, mortgage, or pledge any or all of the real or personal property, includlng book debts and unpaid calls, rights, powers, undertakings, and franchises of the Association to secure any bonds, debentures, debenture stock or other securitles or any liability of the Association.
2. The Executive may from time to time authorize anyone to make arrangements with reference to the money borrowed or to be borrowed as aforesald, and as to the terms and conditions of the loan thereof, and as to the securitles to be glven therefor, with power to modify or vary