name from the present to the new name, i.e.: ENEATrading Sp. z o.o. The change of the Company's name isin linę with the adopted brand management strategy for “ENEA". On 18 October 2012 the change of the company name from ELKO Trading Sp. z o.o. to ENEA Trading Sp. z o.o. was registered in the National Court Register.

•    Generation Area Integration

On 28 December 2012 ENEA and ENEA Wytwarzanie S.A., within the realisation of the process of the Integration of the Generation Area in the ENEA Capital Group, concluded the agreement on the subscription for shares of ENEA Wytwarzanie S.A. Compliant with its provisions ENEA S.A. subscribed for all, i.e. 158,356,706 ordinary registered shares of C series, of the nominał value of PLN 10 each, i.e. of the total nominał value of PLN 1,583,567,060, in the raised share Capital of ENEA Wytwarzanie S.A. The Shares subscribed for correspond to 77.4% share in the raised share Capital of ENEA Wytwarzanie S.A. In consideration for the taken up Shares ENEA S.A. madę a contribution in kind of the total value of PLN 1,583,567,060, in the form of:

•    1,844,199 shares of Elektrociepłownia Białystok S.A. in Białystok of the nominał value of PLN 10 each, of the total value of PLN 538,506,100.

•    479,780 shares in Elektrownie Wodne Sp. z o.o. in Samociążek of the nominał value of PLN 500 each, of the total value of PLN 513,062,330.

•    9,742 shares in Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Sp. z o.o. in Oborniki of the nominał value of PLN 500 each, of the total value of PLN 11,171,340.

•    18,657 shares in Miejska Energetyka Cieplna Piła Sp. z o.o. in Piła of the nominał value of PLN 1,000 each, of the total fair value of PLN 41,743,350.

•    18,350 shares in DOBITT ENERGIA Sp. z o.o. in Gorzesław of the nominał value of PLN 500 each, of the total fair value of PLN 14,999,100.

•    50 shares in "Windfarm Polska" Sp. z o.o. in Koszalin of the nominał value of PLN 1,000 each, of the total fair value of PLN 102,398,080.

•    a daim towards "Windfarm Polska" Sp. z o.o. in Koszalin by title of the loan agreement in the amount of EUR 8,877,094.31 of the fair value of PLN 37,827,960.

•    a daim towards "Windfarm Polska" Sp. z o.o. in Koszalin by title of the supply and construction in the total amount of EUR 76,000,000 of the value of PLN 323,858,800.

The share of ENEA S.A. in the share Capital of ENEA Wytwarzanie S.A. remains unchanged and amounts to

On 22 January 2013 the raised share Capital of ENEA Wytwarzanie S.A. was registered in the National Court Register and presently amounts to PLN 2,046,049,500. ENEA S.A. presently holds 204,604,950 votes at a General Meeting of ENEA Wytwarzanie S.A. which constitutes 100% of the total number of votes in ENEA Wytwarzanie S.A.

2.2.2. Other equity im/estments and disinvestments as a part of assets restructuring processes

•    Sale ofa błock of shares of Towarowa Giełda Energii S.A.

On 23 December 2011 ENEA S.A. concluded an agreement for the sale of 14,750 shares of Polish Power Exchange (PPE) with the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) constituting 1.0172% of the share Capital of PPE. On 29 February 2012 the transaction was closed and the aforementioned shares were transferred to WSE. In relation to the transaction closing on 29 February 2012 ENEA S.A. ceased to be the shareholder of PPE.

•    Sale of a błock of shares of Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Strunobetonowych Żerdzi Wirowanych WIR BET S. A.

On 16 February 2012 ENEA S.A. concluded an agreement for sale of 269,000 shares of Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Strunobetonowych Żerdzi Wirowanych WIRBET S.A. (WIRBET) with THC Fund Management Ltd. with




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