Symbols and Abbreyiations

(I or □ = RS: k1; WS: p1

B = RS: p1; WS: k1

Q0 = RS: k1; WS: k1 (garter st)

[U = RS: k1 twisted; WS: p1 twisted g] = RS: p1 twisted; WS: k1 twisted [o] = 1 yo; on WS p1 M = 1 yo; on WS k1 0 = k2 tog

E = single dec: slip 1 knitwise, k1, and pass slipped st over

[3    =    p2 tog

0    =    p2 tog twisted

EJ    =    k3 tog

El = double dec: slip 2 st knitwise, k1, and pass slipped st over

B = slip 1 st knitwise, k2 tog, and pass slipped st over

Ek] = p3 tog

g] = bobble: work 5 st in 1 st (alternately ki, yo). Work 3 to 5 rows of stockinette stitch over these 5 st; in the next row on WS k5 tog twisted

B    =    inc 1 k st, twisted, from    horiz.    thread between    stitches

UJ    =    inc 1 p st, twisted, from    horiz.    thread between    stitches

H = box not defined (no stitch)

[y] = 1 st worked in st of previous row: k1, but insert needle 1 row lower

0 = shaker knitting st: RS: slip st purlwise with 1 yo; WS: purl st tog with yo

= cross 2 st to left: place 1 st in front of work with cable needle, knit next st, then knit st on cable needle

□□ = cross 2 st to right: place 1 st behind work with cable needle, knit next st, then knit st on cable needle

HE1 = cross 2 st to left: place 1 st in front of work

with cable needle, purl next st, then knit st on cable needle

GTl = cross 2 st to right: place 1 st behind work with cable needle, knit next st, then purl st on cable needle

l~TU = cross 3 st to left: place 2 st in front of work with cable needle, ki, then knit st on cable needle

\jrf=\ = cross 3 st to right: place 1 st behind work with cable needle, k2, then knit st on cable needle

ITld = cross 3 st to left: place 2 st in front of work with cable needle, p1, then knit st on cable needle

lrT~M = cross 3 st to right: place 1 st behind work with cable needle, k2, then purl st on cable needle

= cross 4 st to left: place 2 st in front of work with cable needle, k2, then knit st on cable needle

= cross 4 st to right: place 2 st behind work with cable needle, k2, then knit st on cable needle

= cross 4 st to left: place 2 st in front of work with cable needle, p2, then knit st on cable needle

= cross 4 st to right: place 2 st behind work with cable needle, k2, then purl st on cable needle

= cross 4 st to left: place 3 st in front of work with cable needle, p1, then knit st on cable needle

= cross 4 st to right: place 1 st behind work with cable needle, k3, then purl st on cable needle

= cross 6 st to left: place 3 st in front of work with cable needle, k3, then knit st on cable needle

= cross 6 st to right: place 3 st behind work with cable needle, k3, then knit st on cable needle

= cross 8 st to left: place 4 st in front of work with cable needle, k4, then knit st on cable needle

= cross 8 st to right: place 4 st behind work with cable needle, k4, then knit st on cable needle

= cross 2 st to left: place 1 st in front of work with cable needle, p1, then knit st on cable needle twisted

= cross 2 st to right: place 1 st behind work with cable needle, k1 twisted, then purl st on cable needle

om n=m rrs


mn imm I I I


mii mn



dec = decrease, decreases inc = increase, increases k = knit

k tog = knit together p = purl

p tog = purl together

psso = pass slipped stitch over

rep = repeat

RS = right side of work

selv st = selvedge stitch

single dec = slip 1 stitch knitwise, knit next stitch, and pass slipped stitch over it st = stitch, stitches tog = together WS = wrong side of work yo = yarn over



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