DttdBrtM ( fRA.MM.AK OF EN1;um| 1
SrMrsrrR tzw
gnsup oł coosafuou doc* not be long in mnomu?
■* “"*■ b> c) friaUre*
2 ^"fech rt thc o«54TOnw bclow UalvcoUr?
*' * b> h er) m
I- w Wi of thc ma^wntA git en br Iow i* fonia?
*> 1 b) g c) n
4 Wfech aruodator does not panidpatc in thc artJcuUlion of^?
tocaifoJdt 1>) hard paiatc c) btck of thc tonguc
5 Wlidb artkalator is not locatcd in thc orał caviiy?
a) bnraa b) ahcolar ridgc
6 *Vbat is aniculalory phonctks inlcrcsled in? a > tnamissiOB of b) typc of cłosure
”, WUk of thc unii* of apccch is thc largcsi ? z} »oni b) cłausc
> ’vV1a: icne of sounds arc produccd if thc lungs arc thc aourcc of cncrgy? i* »ciinc b) pułmonic c) gloualic
9 Wfcich of ihc term* belo w is not thc na mc of a ftlagc in speech produclion a> phocuiaoci b) iniiialion c) rcłcasc stage
MLLu tOMcb cannoi oocupy thc_posiLion:
z- word>uuual b) s>lłabic-fiRaI
!! Acothcr term for diphthongs is:
2: mecophlhon^s b) compIex voud*
v 2. dyhthongs end w uh a:
13. Soaumcd d;phtJbong* end *itha a t jcWa b) da*c vo*d
4 Varro» iranscription sho« >c i - pfcontfnc* b) aliophocics
c) soft paiatc
c) pertrpUon sounds
c) sylbblc
c) word-final
c) simplc vowcU
c) nctural vowd
r) open vowcl
c) unprcdic labie fcaiurcs
d) uucrancc d) phancgcal d) anieulaucn d) word-mcdu.1 d) ciosur.g mjwcLs d) icnsc vowci d) if>» «o*cł d) jniiMUtioft
Diacrkicjt irc
17 \xtva ukzrA* trety
'it. The U rra rdk rfooir*
*» tK: nuucvg of she bach of ;hc loague
19 To cdi a souoda fdoo a» tu toidng
70 Whuh of thc scMtnd* a) hilabUl iumI ?' \W...b «* ;7nv r tcarj a) >NCik I
72 Whkh b not a proc a) cliakui
23. Whidh of thc v«w<
a) i.
24 lnv»hkhof thc w a) tenth
25. Which of thc fdU
a) K
d) Langer
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