My name: Class:

Lessons 1-10





o Pa you like football?





1 Complete łhe sentences wlth verbs from the box.

fide cook listem do wateh meet

0    My brother’s only four but he can. f. a bike.

1    I usuałly......my homework In the kitchen.

2    I often......to musie on the radio.

3    Do you want to......dinner? I*m not hungry.

4    On Saturdays I often......łriends in town.

5    I want to......this film.

(jScore Is)

2 Clrcle the different word.

0    volleyball tennisC§nemi> cyeling

1    cate rugby fast food place restaurant

2    iibrary basketball rollerblading skateboardlng

3    sport sNfcentre posl Office swimming pool motor raclng

4    hotel theatre cricket supermarket

B theatre swimming football gymnastics


3 Mdtch the two parts of the sentences. There are two extra parts.

0 l’ve got some money

ą> gioves.

1 1 wear glasses \

b) m my diary.

2 IVe got my homework

c) when I read.

3 1 don‘t ea1

d) tothedoor.

4 In Winter I often wear

e) a hairbrush.

5 I haven*t got the keys

^ f) in my purse.

g) many sweets.

h) in this folder.



4 Complete the sentences wlth words In the box. There are two extra words.

rice cłteese salt carrots strawberries sausages sugar honey

0    Butter and    are dairy foeds.

1    What do you want on your bread - jam


2    How much....... do you want in your coffee?

3    Dad's cooking the chlcken and.......on the


4    1 Iove.......and cream.

5    Potatoes, beans and.......are all vegetables.

(^Score /5^


5 Complete the dialogue.

A: You / llke / football?

B: Yes /1 / -

A: your brother / like / football?

B: No / he

A: What / your brother / do / in his free time?

B: He / play / Computer games.

(score /?)


6 Put the verbs in the Present Simple or the Present Contlnuous.

Luigi is Italian. He 0 ..    . (Iive) In a smali

village called Budrioand he'......(go) to

school In Bologna. In Budrio the people

2.......(not/speak) much English. But today

Luigi1.......(speak) English because an

American student4.......(yisit) his school

and hes.......(not speak) Italian.

(score /5^)

7    Complete the sentences.

10.    (prefer / play) volleyball to

'.............(play) footbalL

I *.............(like / play) football but 1

3.............(not llke / watch) It.

My brother Rob4.............(not llke / do)

homework but hes.............

(!ove / listen to) musie.

(jicore /5^1

8    Complete the conversation. Use the words In the box. There is one extra word.

ę yotirs minę (x 2) hers his thelrs ours

Rachel: Whose Is this mobile? Is It0. .W?.. Nick?

Nick: No,TUsn't1........

Rachel: Do you thlnk lt’s Usa's?

9 Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box.

^ an a any some any some

A: Have you got0..    .. apples?

B: Yes, there are1........apples over there.

A: And l'd like2........banana please.

B: Pm sorry we haven*t got3........bananas.

A: Oh well, can.l have4........grapes please

and 5........orange.

B: Yes, of course.

(Score /S)

10 Complete the conversatlon with much, many or a lot of.

Nick: No, it lsn’t7........and It lsn't Tom’s.

3........areboth Noklas.

I thlnk lt's John's.4........looks llke


Jonah: No, It lsn*t John's. Il*s5........I

(^Score As)

Danie): I eat0. pasta. But l don’t eat

'........potatoes. How about you?

Do you eat1........pasta?

Matfc Not. notJ.........I prefer potatoes.

Daniel: How4........potatoes do you eat?

Matt: Oh, I ęat5........potatoes.



Ci Pearwn EłJ»u»tkm 2009 ■

f Vocabulary

20 1

| Grammar





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