0 garlic
1 ice
2 baked
3 minerał
4 apple
5 grpen
1 Match the two parts of the phrases. There are two extra parts.
2 Which word Is dlfferent?
0 mushroom tomato (jhegsSj
1 apple tart potato cheesecake
2 desserb orange juice minerał water
3 łasagne fruit salad spaghetti
4 onlon ice cream potato
5 Ice cream fruit salad hamburger
(score /5^)
Match the words on the left and rlqht and then to the plctures.
a) potato
b) water >c) bread
d) cream
e) salad 0 tart
7 ..........................................
8 ........................................
9 ........................................
10 ........................................
4 What kłnd of TV show are they watchlng? Choose from the programmes In the box.
^ sports programme pop star contest ^
the news chat show quiz show v pop-musie-show * J
0 'I don’t ifke thls song she*s singlng.' pop rriuoic »how
1 Thafs an easy ouestlon. I know the ariswer.'
2 'Barcelona are winning 2 - V
3 The American president Is arrivmg In Romę tomorrow.'
4 ’l think IhJs group are the besl.'
5 'He always ask$ his guests about thelr riew film.*
(score__/S 3
0 We must go nowr
1 You must speak English.
2 You mustn’t eat that apple.
3 We must pay for this.
8 Match the guestions and answers.
(score _/5)
0 Would you like |
a) No thanks. |
an ice cream? \ |
1 prełer poi aloes. |
1 What would you |
b) Yes. surę. With |
like? |
chips? |
2 Can I have a |
C) Td like a pizza |
hamburger? |
please. |
3 Can 1 use your |
d) No. I'm sorry. |
mobile? |
1 can't. |
4 Would you like to |
e) Yes. OK. Who are |
go kartłng? |
you phoning? |
5 Do you want |
M) Yes please. !’d |
some rice? |
love one. |
5 Complete the sentences with must or mustn'L
0 You . .. dflve on the left In Brltaln.
1 You.........switch off your mobile in class.
3 You.........swim here. It-s dangerous.
4 I.........go to bed tatę.. I*ve got a test
5 You........... touch that. It's very hot.
6 Match the palrs of sentences.
a) He doesn’t understand Italian.
b) lt*s bad.
c) lt's dangerous.
d) TheyYe very dirty.
4 l must wash my hands.l e) How much is it?
5 You mustn't rlde M) lt's !ate. that bilte.
7 Put the words In order to make questions.
0 you / would / a drink / likc / ?
Would you Hkc a drink?
1 you / where / meet / to / would / like/ ?
2 they / llke / drink / would / what / to / ?
(score 7ŚP)
9 Wrlte the complete conversation.
Walter: 0 What / you / like?
Mi/łt would you lito?
Charlie: 1A burger
Waiter: 2 Chips?
Charlie: 3 No / Green salad.
Walter: 4 OK / Hamburger / Green salad / Drink?
Charlie: 5 Ye$ / A cola.
(score /)0)
3 I / a pizza / can / please / have / ?
4 you / order / are / to / ready / ?
rVocabuiary |
2° \ | |
Grammar |
30 I | |
^Total |
»J |
5 you / to / my / like / would / come / party / to / ?
(^Score /$)
O Pentson Btluf-łtunto 2<X>91