10488158u273196811207271950071208040274 n

10488158u273196811207271950071208040274 n


Department Dato .........



Studenta Book No

Choose the correct anawer A. B. C or 0. (10 pta)

H*_b*» led the natŁon* to vłctory

a) <JevotłOn b) contrtbutlon c) chartama d) tełfdiscipfme

Soctał--    __ ta the most common way of making fhenda nowadayt

a) cołlaboration b) cooperatlon c) agreement d) nefworfcmg

In order to gam aome profit, we need to_our goafc

a) remake b) redefine c) reorgamze d) reconstruct

Untłl his death, no ono knew ho had a_who took cero af a* w» •

a) midwtfe b) ghostwnter c) storytollor d) rambłer

To score an own__ono has to try vory hard

a) bali b) goalpost c) goal d) rolling bali

lf you want to tako up thls sport, all you need ts_

a) love b) self-respect c) sełf-discipline d) self-controł

and have a %ver

People suffenng from this illness may expenence_

a) arthntis b) pneumoma c) nock strffness d) diabeł es


Their mamago requires psychological_

a) treatment b) helper c) counselmg d) assistaoce

9 Dnvmg tests should be retaken as_

aft er 2 years of dnwng otherw»ae the


number of acctdents will pile and pile compulsory b) voluntary c) stnct d) utxquftous 10 The mathematics as well as astronom-/ are not the ooły soences that we owe Jc


a) derelict b) modem c) ancient d) tradibonaJ

II. Complete the sentences wlth the words from the box. (10 pto)

mamtaming. bed & breakfast, contemporary expłorted cost-effective ‘oyaity 1 rolling short story, contribution, apt___

_ art is something I shall nev«r understand

The treatment ts htghly_under mc# cntena. costing orty around £12 50

per day What is an

descnption of a homan belng?

This building is so dilapidated there is no need tn

iłany tonger tg me vendor

There Is no menlion m the written record of costomer

To get the bali ____ the company « tooking to (teru* 12 pananta to join t**


Alfred Hitchcock madę a greet

to the birth of thnłler genie

_ by tt>s empłoyen

The owners of mulberry cottage also run a fabutou*_________• Tyer *H*-

The wortten m the third wortd aro oiways Tho owners of mulberry coitege alsc where the breakfasts are legondary

10 He pianned writing a

but ended up wlth a huge noveł

M!V (W 11


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