Level Test 3B - intermediate


Choose the correct answer, a, b, c, or d.

Example: [a] What_last weekend?

a did you do b are you do c have you done d you did

1    [^| That’s the girl_parents I met.

a which b whom c who d whose

2    | | I_get in through the window.

a managed to b could to    c was able

d managed

3    Q They won’t_use their mobiles.

a can b be able to c be able d can to

_go to the doctors yesterday.

a must b musted c had to d have to

5    Hesaidhe_school in 2001.

a left b eaves c has left d leave

6    Q Is there a tennis_near here?

a pitch b place c stadium d court

7    Q This food isn’t_.

a enough hot b hot enough c much hot d very much hot

8    | | I refiised_to them.

a to talk b talk c to talking d talking

9    Q He didn’t buy that jacket,_?

a is it b didn’t he c did he d isn’t it

10    | | Can you tell me where_?

a the post office is b is the post office c the post office d post office

11    | | She works too hard so it’s not_she’s ill.

a surprise b to surprise c surprised d surprising

12    | | Can you_a favour?

a make b make me c do d do me

13    | | I have a shower_I get home.

d when that

14    | | I studied geography at_university.

a the b- ca dan

15 | | Would you marry him if he_you?

a would ask b asks c did ask d asked

16    Q They’11 move to Ireland when their baby_.

a will be bom b is being born c is bom d would be bom

17    Q She speaks Russian_thanme.

a morę better b better c morę well d so better

18    Q That’s the fiat_welive.

a - b which c that d where

19    Q CanI_cheque?

a pay by b pay with c pay in d pay on

20 | | I think the bauer/s_in this camera.

a out b missing c losing d missed

21    Q I’m tired. I_all day.

a study b ’ve been studying c ’m studying d was studying

22    Q I never_eat so much.

a used to b didn’t used to c use to

23    □ TU take some water_I get thirsty.

a so b although c in case d unless

24    Q I can’t_to buy a new bike.

a afford b spend c pay d think

25 | | They don’t get_verywell.

a together b on c in d by

26    |    | I was really_with the weather.

a disappointed b disappoint c disappointing d disappointment

27    Q Do you_ifl open the window?

a matter b mind c think d wish

28    Q We_together sińce last January.

a live b are living c lived d ’ve been living

29    Q Paulneedsto_a diet.

a do b get c go on    d be

30    Q I don’t like_coffee or tea.

a neither b or c both d either

31    [^Tellher_.

a not to come b not come c not coming

32    □ We enjoyed_at the party.

a each b each other c ourselves d us

33    | | What_tomorrow evening?

a are you doing b do you do c you do d are you do

34    | | _Jim nor I want to go to Bristol.

a Neither b Both c Either d Not

35    |    | There were_people at the cinema.

a very little    b very smali    c very few

d not much

36    Q When is that letter_?

a going to be sent b going to send c will be sent d to send

37    | | When is it going to stop_?

a to rain b rain c to raining d raining

38    Her mother didn’t_her go out.

a leave b let c permit d allow

39    Q Whats the matter? You_sad.

a see    b look like    c look d ’re look

40    Q He doesn’t go to the gym_.

| Total | Ę3

New Engiish File Level Tests Ę2EESS23 c Oxford University Press 2005


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