Task 11: Choose the correct answer by Crossing a, b, c, d or e !
1. How many peopte are there in Gnderella's famlly?
a. thnse d. six
b. four e seven
c. Rve
2. The followlng sentences Is true about Gnderełla's step-mother.
a. She loved Gnderdla very much
b. She always gave good dress to Onderella
c. She treated Gnderełla nicely
d. She was a bad tempered woman
e. She persuaded Onderella to go the bali
3. Why dld Onderella ery? Because....
a. She wanted to go to the bali
b. Shewassśck
c. Her step-mother gave her ragoed dress
d. Her two stepsisters had left her to the bali
e She coukJn‘t dance with ldng’s son
4. Wh© aSkad Onderella to go to the bali ? a her stepmother
b. ner stepsisters c her godmother
d. a strange voice
e. he*- s^pnother a nd stepsisters
5. Wha; is tre cc-mmunicatlye purpose of the t&ct ?
a. Tc deser pe Onderella
b. To cr-Doie her stepmother
c. Tosei. tre cronological event
c. Tc pers-ade r* -eaders to agree with ire writer^s aptnion
e- To ten :re story thet deals with prodemabc e.-enrs and ther Solutions
Question Tag merupakan bentuk pertanyaan berekor yang fungsinya untuk mempertegas suatu pernyataan
Syarat u ta ma dałam question tag adalah:
- Bilamana kalimat pernyataan (kalimat mula-mula) dmyataksn dałam bentuk positif, maka tag (ekor)nya harus dałam bentuk negatif.
- Bilamana kalimat pernyataan (kalimat mula-muta) dinyatakan dałam bentuk negatif, maka tag (ekor)nya harus dałam bentuk positif.
yfłlik mempermudah cara pembuatan tag, kalimat pernyataan dlsinl dibagi dua : yU Mengandung auKillary (2j Tkiakmengandungauxiliary
yt Kalimat yang mengandung auxiliary
S + auxil?ary + V/be + O/complement , auallisry not + S
Contoh : She is gofng to come here, isnt she?
He cannot go now, can he ?
You will be here with me, won't you ?
8____BAHASA INGGR1S Untuk SMA/W Kelas XI/Gasal/A-07l |