A. Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer for each question.
1. Firinga is_.
a. an ocean c. a storm
b. a large city d. a famous meteorologist
2. In linę 19, the word condenses is closest in
meaning to___.
a. heats up c. starts rotating
b. moves higher d. becomes liquid
3. Which step comes first in the process of storm formation?
a. Winds reach 118 kilometers per hour.
b. Warm, humid air moves upward.
c. Li q u id water falls.
d. Water vapor condenses.
Did You Kno
Weather fc-ecaGtinę as wo kno w ii b possible with the invcntion of the t in 1S37. Tnat al' news cf apprcachi-c storms to be communicated f than the weather itseif could arrive.
4. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “the direction and strength of tropical storrns are difficult to predict even with Computer assistance?' on linę 32?
a. Despite using computers, it is difficult to know where tropical cyclones will strike next.
b. Without computers, predicting tropical cyclones is impossible.
c. Computer assistance removes the difficulty of predicting tropical cyclones.
d. Using computers to predict tropical storms is difficult.
Main idea
5. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
a. Rising sea levels are causing increasing storm damage.
b. In a storm, most people are killed by high sea levels.
c. People have tried to connect storm deaths to rising sea levels.
d. Dangerous storm surges happen mostly in Bangladesh.
B. Matching. Match the causes on the left with their effects on the right.
72 Unit SB Storms
_1. condensing water
vapor releases
_2. winds of 118 kilometers
per hour qualify
_3. deep, warm ocean
water energizes
_4. high waves reduce
_5. storms pushing against
ocean surface create
a. a storm as a tropical cyclone
b. a storm surge
c. a storm’s force
d. heat
e. a storm