READING Multiple choice
► With multiple choice questions you will either be asked to find a speciflc piece of information or asked about your generał understanding of a passage.
► Read the EXAM TASK carefully. Make surę you know what information you are looking for in the passages.
► Dorft worry if there are words in the texts you don’t understand. Try to find the answer by looking at the words you do understand.
1 Scan the texts to find the answers to these ąuestions as ąuickly as possible.
1 How many place names can you find in the texts? What are they?
2 How many different animals can you find in the texts? What are they?
3 How many different foods can you find in the texts? What are they?
2 Read the multiple choice ąuestions. Underline the key words. The first has been done for you.
i Read all five texts and find words that mean:
1 being locked up
2 banned
3 permit
4 disapproved of
5 strange
6 napping
Now complete the EXAM TASK.
You will read five texts. Read each passage carefully and answer the relevant ąuestion by choosing the option that matches the information in that text. Circle a, b, or c.
I live in West Virginia and here you aren't allowed to cook cabbage because of the smell - doing so can lead to imprisonment. And children are strictly forbidden from arriving at school with their breath smelling of‘wild onions’.
1 What is a criminal offence? a cooking cabbage b smelling of cabbage c eating wild onions
The strangest law in Ohio is concerned with animals. If you want to keep a bear, you reąuire a licence. You also need a licence to catch mice. And, most interestingly you aren't allowed to fish for whales on a Sunday. Quite where you'd find whales in Ohio, around 700 miles from the Atlantic Ocean, is anybody's guess!
2 Which of these don t you need a licence to do? a ownabear
b capture mice c catch whales
We have some crazy laws here in Providence, Rhode Island. It is illegal to sell a toothbrush and toothpaste to the same customer on a Sunday. Jumping off a bridge is also frowned upon. Whereas in Newport, also in Rhode Island, you cant smoke a pipę after sunset.
3 In Providence what cant you do on a Sunday? a allow a customer to buy toothpaste and a
toothbrush b buy a toothbrush c jump off a bridge
Indiana has only a couple of odd laws. One prohibits bathing in Winter. The other forbids people from attending a cinema or theatre, or using public transport within four hours of eating garlic.
4 Which of these can you do after eating garlic? a go bathing
b take a bus c seeaplay
We get a lot of visitors in Florida, but I bet nonę know some of our laws. Single, divorced, or married women are not allowed to parachute on Sunday afternoons; women may also be fined for falling asleep under a hairdryer (as can the salon owner); and if an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee must be the same as for a car. It is also illegal to sing in public, if you are wearing a swimmingcostume.
5 In Florida, who arent allowed to perform songs in front of other people?
a divorced women b salon owners c people wearing bikinis
(Mord University Press
12 Matura Exam Practice