IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Poland Chapter
together with Department of Measurement and Electronics
invite for lecture of
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Digital signal processing requires two discretization operations on analog signals, one in time called sampling. and one in amplitudę called quantization. Ironically, although both operations are deterministic, the engineering community has historically approached the second operation only by probabilistic modeling. While this approach has been satisfactory for traditional data acquisition, it is becoming insufficient foradvanced techniques of analog-to-digital conversion such as Sigma-Delta modulation, which are capable of conversions of high resolutions under analog Circuit imperfections. The lack of signal theory applicable to amplitudę quantization has limited engineers to empirical and heuristic modeling.
The goal of this lecture is to revisit power spectral analysis from its introduction by Wiener, and construct what has been missing to perform the spectral analysis of quantization in its original deterministic naturę. The most challenging part is how white noise can be deterministically realized. in theory and in practice.
SclKM&ilo Circtits Soaoty
Biography of the invited speaker
Nguyen T. Thao
The City College of New York, USA
Nguyen T. Tłiao received the engineering degrees rroon' Ecole Połytechłlkjue. France in 1984 and Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommumcatiohi. France In 198S, the M.Sc. degree from Princeton 1986 and the Ph.O.dcgrcc from Columbia Univcrsity n 1993inclcctncalcng ncc-mg.
nitsncs positions in industry indoding Thomson-CSF, France (GaAs A/D conycrters. from 1986 to 1989) and flP Pało a3Vo,-CAX«[ gnał image Processing, from 1998 to ł999)/as well as positions m academia mclodlr^ Hong Kong Science of Technology in the Department of Elcctncal and Electronic Or.ginecring (from 1993 to 1997) and City City Univcrsity of New Yorit «i the Department of Scctrlcoi Englrtecnng (2000 to present). His rcscarch interest ts :<alanalysisofanatog-to-digitalconye*s«oę^ I