organized by the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Poland Chapter and Department of Measurement and Electronics, AGH
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11.00-12.30 Variability in Bandgap Reference Sources
13.30-15.00 Differential Amplifiers with Positive Feedback
15.30-17.00 Opamps, Gm Blocks or Inverters for Filters
9.00-10.30 Comparators
11.00-12.30 Design of Crystal Oscillators and VCOs (Voltage-Controlled Oscillators)
13.30-15.00 Design of LNAs (Low-Noise Amplifiers)
15.30-17.00 High Speed Synthesizers and PLLs (Phase-locked Loops)
Biography of the invited speaker
Willy Sansen has rocelved the MSc degrec in Electncal Fnginoerlng from the KalhoHeke Unlver5ltCit leuven In 1967 and the PhD degreem Electronics from the Unlversity of Caiifomla, Berkeley In 1972.
In 1972 he was appointed by the Kational Fund of Scientif»c,Research (Belgium) at the ESAT I laboratory of the K.U.Leuven, where he has been a fu l pęofessor Since 1980. Oiiring the penod 1984-1990 he nas the head of the Electncal Engine^hng Department'. From 1984 to 2C08 he was head of the ESAT-MICAS loboratory on ano’ members and which is mainiy active In research proj rkJynde.
Meeting venue Icncc and
AGH Univcrsity of
Av. Mickiewicza 30, Kraków, Poland Building BI, 121 Iccturc hal, lst floo
lesign, wtvch ccunts flbout slxty wtth industry ona inteachmg
978 He Was a tmg professor at Stanford Universily. In 1981 at the EPFI. Lausanne, m 1985 at the
rsityJl^cnnsYls-an:.-!, Philadelphia, in 1994 a: the T.H. Ulm and in 2004 a: Infineon, Villach.
Ł0f sevęrii*edltbt.al and program committocs of Journals and confcrcnccs. Lcoround^^i^Hinił^^Cthe^bikshops on Advances m Analog Circuit Design .n Europę. He is )ram committees of the IEEE ISSCC conference. He was program che'' of Uie ISSCC-2002cor'erence and was President of the Solid-State Circuits Scciely in 2008/2009. Heisa life-fe«owof the IEEE.
81 Building
Faculty of Elcctrical Englnccring, Automatic*, Computer Science and Blomedical Engmcering
Hc nas Cccn invotvcd in design automation and in numerous analoguc integrated orcuit designs fortclccommunications, consumer clcctronics, mcdlcal appticadons and sensws. He hos Ocen supervisor of over sixty-five PhD theses in these fiekls. He has authored and coauthored morę ihan 620papers in International Journals and conference p-cceedings and hfteen books, among nhich "Analog design essentials' (Springer 2008).