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ńeclaration iaąued by the political and soclal organiaation^ oT Underground' Po land. 7


-iw. LomcA

To the Polish Nation.

***    nw k\fL ***-.    7    104

oi imminent event8 which will de-cide ot'    e r... i aa 4 i » of the war and which Will demand

oi' Po land a great and h^moniouB effort, ąuą/ters hoatile to the Republic are endeavouring to weaken the unity oi* the Po lich Nation by ao¥*£*g chaos and di yeralofr.

A foreign Gommunist agency/calling itseli* is acting on our soil in a way thyeatening the vital interesta of the nation.    / oJnv

4 ’

Obeiient to 1 i po c t i frnm outaide and to a foreign goyernrnent, masking their trud aims, misinterpre-ting the claimB oi their patrons, and uodo-ły exploiting patriotic and national slogans, tho Gommunist Polish Workers' Party and its agencies such as the "Polish People'3 Anny" deo-lare their readiness to give avjjr the hastern territorieu of Poland to Euseia and oppose the Goyernrnent which enjoys the coniidence oi the nation, the Array, and their counterparts in the homoi€md..

their endeavour to weaken and divide the iorces of the nation in a aecisiye phase oi* the war, the Com-jiuniBt agenci es have aet up a Home National Council and a People 8 Army Headąuarters, and have announced that they will form a temporary Goyernrnent.    Ae,    ^

Irrespectiyo of the inaigniflońit forces and negligible importance represented by these f^eti^ioue insti-tutionB which are tnij only calculated abroad, the actiyities of the PPR must be condemnea as trea-imru^^i ii i mml i'* ii the Po li Bil Nation and State.

«V ^ Only the Polish Goyernment, its Deputy in the Homeland, the Comniander-in-Ghicf and the Gommander of the Homełwad Army acting on his behali* are entitled to issue the orders for the last phase od the Btruggle against the ehemy, waged bo etubbornly and fcmorpyWgi;. by the whole Nation £voa-the first daye of tho occupation

Ali political próblemB will be Bettled by the Nation, and not by foreign agents.

The People'b Pprty and ^jeh^ant B-ttalions,

s "Liberty,

ity, Independence",

The Gentrt^l L/adership of i&e Uoyement of the

Working U

The Nationa^LNęarty,

The Labour,

The Łiilitdry Or£ąnisati Reconstrnction FrOąt,

The Peoi/le'8 Guard

The Social-Political tforkine Committee nReveille"


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