

Main Idea





Reading Comprehension

A.    Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question.

1.    What is paragraph 3 (from linę 19) mainly about?

a.    why Mount Fuji is a sacred place

b.    the healing properties of Mount Fuji

c.    reasons people climb Mount Fuji

d.    the visitors to Mount Fuji

2.    Which of these statements about Mount Fuji is NOT true?

a.    It is the largest volcano in Japan.

b.    Scientists believe it may erupt soon.

c.    It has erupted quite recently.

d.    Locals have traditions concerning the mountain.

3.    In linę 78, the word symptoms could be replaced with____

a. earthquakes    c. sounds

b. signs    d. lessons

4.    Scientists can datę the last eruption of El Popo_

a. by talking to witnesses

- b. from videos of the eruption

c.    from investigating the geological evidence in the earth

d.    from religious books

5.    What was the reason for evacuation from El Popo in 2000?

a.    ash and smoke were seen coming from the mountain

b.    a large explosion was heard

c.    a change in the mountain’s surface was noticed

d.    a powerful eruption took place

B.    Classification. Are the following related to Mount Fuji, to El Popo, or to both? Write each answer (a-g) in the correct place in the chart.

a.    last explosion a.d. 820

b.    less than 100 km from city

c.    morę than 100 km from city

d.    active

e.    locals present gifts to the volcano for protection

f.    provides rich soil for the production of bananas and coffee

g.    last explosion 1707

Mount Fuji    El Popo



Why do you think farmers would rather risk their lives than move and set lip their farms away from a volcano?

4A The Ring of Firc 55


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