Level Test 1A-elementary


Choose the correct <

Example: t> | She_Irish. She’s Scottish.

1    | | We_American.

2    Q_this magazine before?

a Do you read b Are you going to read c Are you reading d Have you read

3    This is our new teacher._name is Mark.

a His b Her c Its d He

4    He_the newspaper every day.

a read b reads c doesn’t reads d don’t reads

5    Is Mont Blanc_mountain in Europę?

a the higher b the most highest

c the morę high d the highest

6    British people_tea with milk.

a to drink b drink c drinks d are drink rO- _ you like Chinese food?

a Do b Does c Are d Is

8    Q It's my_Computer.

a parents b parents’ c parent d parent’s

9    Q Could we_the bill, please?

a take b want c have d ask

10    Q The people_inrooml2.

a is barn c are d be U □ .,V,

a to b for c at d in

12    Q I_to classical musie.

a never to listen b listen never c never listen d don’t never listen

13    Q Would you like_coffee?

a other b another c some other d morę one

14    | | I haven’t_this photo before.

asee bsaw ctosee dseen

15    Q I can’t see. Where are my_?

a glasses b stamps c keys d lipsticks

16    | | I like_in the morning.

a that I work b working c work d to be work

17    Q Thanksfor_.

a all b the all c everything d all things

18    Q ‘Was Debussy from France?’ ‘Yes,_

a he were b was c there were d he was

19    Q I’m Italian._family are from Venice.

a Our b My c Her d Me

20    What_dotomorrow?

a are you going b you going c are you going to d do you go to


Can I pay_credit card?

a by b in c on d with


This isn’t my money. It’s_

a to you b the yours c

: your d yours


Tonight’s dinner is_than last night’s.

a morę good b gooder

c better

d morę better


They didn’t_the tickets.

a booking b booked <

: to book d book



a bigs cars b cars bigs <

: big cars d bigs car


_the time?

a What’s b What is it c

What d What it is


She_to the gym every day.

a gets b goes c has

d does


I_do my homework lasl

: night.

a not could b didn’t can

c couldn’t d can’t


There_telephone in my

hotel room.

a wasn’t a bweren’ta d wasn’t some

c weren’t any


He_playing the piano.

a are b does c is d




a doesn’t usually wear b

isn’t usually wearing

c wears usually d doesn’t wear usually »PI- . my new job last week.

a have begun b began c am begin d begir

33    Q There isn’t_pasta in the kitchen.

a some b many ca d any

34    | | She_to cook for her boyfriend.

a isn’t going bisn’tgo caren’t going d doesn’t go

35    The elephant is_land animal in the world.

a the bigger b the most big c biggest

d the biggest

36    | | _yesterday?

a You studied b Did you studied c Did you study d Studied you

37    | | James would like_basketball.

a playing b to play c play d to playing

38    Q Ialways_.

a work hard b hard work c hardly work d work hardly

39    Q We_toCanada.

a haven’t be b hasn’t been c hasn’t be d haven’t been

40    | | He_follow instructions.

a doesn’t can b not can c isn’t can d can't

| Total | EH

New English File Level Tests    c Oxford Uniwersity Press;


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