10735624v2245663843866 90546994 n

10735624v2245663843866 90546994 n

study identified-/o survey revealed - icJo^nC tend to-Alt^ćj

have / has a tendency towards + [...ing] - ,■/..>* leiAĆktiLfi    ^ )

despite ♦.. .ing - pcv^W>

is / am / aro morę (less) likely to -    («*<«■'€( 1

oneinthree- i *;si o

six out of ten -C X ^ 0

teenager - i ^ C U*-* ^

turnto- Uur^C‘C bi^'JXł

advice-po wćc-    (

twenty-something -10 «*>!> under-20s - Z O

over-l8s -    -'a

is / are / am in (my/your/his/her/our/their) +early/mid/late + twenties (thirties/forties/fifties ,.,) ^ f(t\^

attheageof- w «o‘itieu    Aif

at any age - \\ UU^\u

heavy drinking - jCUa^iajO


life expectancy - cf/eA^-C*^

longevity-ciIc*^v-J^t('iU'VC'^    _

keep [my] mind active - ^t^w-cu ‘Wtiw^jj /ou*.j $<. extended family - <*- >-4

live to a ripe old age - do~cj<"    t*M$k>C<

in moderation - t k« < <r> rdc-'


genes -c-cay reure-rut?n/ctr(^

age-friendly enWonments -    iwclour*****' l'-" *    2

harmful use of alcohol -UfrJiJlfWctU*? Ctiutiuu.i only child -J.jitfo

earn a good salary -ew<ż£/P 'łCO<e 'luyiu&f '/OćłtfUig •    v

graduate from - cUo«-v<f




is/are/ammiddle-aged- v{n<tU*A v-m€*C

rebel against [my] p3rents-i>-<tu^toC^ śi^ ^1^6*CCdU COlaa

have a positive Outlook on life - rv jCidijc .<^0^ iW ł dowithinnerself-.{•?&<< -*    ji&ut*


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