2.1 am going to study tbc client’s face. 3. Shc is going to give spcdal attention to the condidon of the skin. 4. Shc is gotng to correct defeets. 5. Shc is going to conceal skin flaws and blemishcs. 6. This make-up is going to enhancc the po$nivc features of the face.
Ex. 2
a. I. am going to worit 2. am going to be 3. am going to team and practise; ani going to take part 4. arc going to havc; am going to patocipaie; am going to ask b. 1. is going to stand out 2. is going to łook 3. ate going tołook 4. is going to make 5. is going to spiead 6. is going to irritatc
l. Why aie you going to spedalisc m stage makc-up? 2. Why are you going to buy ncw concealets? 3. Why arc you going to tint my eyelashcs? 4. Why ate you going to sha|>c the dicntk eycbrows? 5. Why are you going to sce a profcssional makc-up artist? 6. Why arc you going to givc specral attendon to the shapc of facial bones?
2. to givc the checks a hcalthy glow 3. usc a concealer to conceal them 4. usc a spccial bp glow to givc them this look 5. enhancc the colour and shapc of the lips 6. give volume and colour to my eyelashcs 7. apply... cyelids 8. would; wcit; match the natural comp!c.\ion
1. apply a Foundation 2. correct the shapc 3. tint the cyelashes 4. conceal the blcmish 5. make up for; defeets 6. enhancc; fcatures 7. shapc the eyebrows 8. put a blushcr
1. How do you apply a foundabon? 2. What colouts of eycahadows do youchoose/usc/prcfcr? 3. Shall I sliape/correct your eyebrows? 4. Have you evcr used/tried to use a conccalet? 5. What about the cffect?/ Did you like the effect? 6. What colour is your dtess going to be? 7. Arc you going to wcar any jewcllcry?
1. reduce the shinc in the T-zonc 2. illuminatc the cyes 3. will lengthen diem 4. cnhancing the image 5. add a hint of shinc to the bps 6. in-tensify the radiancc of dieck bones 7. outlinc the mouth 8. highlighting the cffect 9. TOlumisc the cyelashes 10. shapc the cyes U. acccntuatc theeyes
a.2,4,5,1,3 b.2,4,1.3